SZ0890 : Bournemouth: the Waterfront building
taken 17 years ago, near to Bournemouth, Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole, England
This is 1 of 2 images, with title starting with Bournemouth: the Waterfront in this square

Bournemouth: the Waterfront building
Erected in the late 1990s, this is one of Bournemouth's most controversial buildings ever. It contains a pub (whose balcony can be seen here), Chinese restaurant and Kentucky Fried Chicken, all surrounding the central IMAX theatre – for more discussion on which, see SZ0890 : Bournemouth: anticl-IMAX?.
A précis of the building's history appeared on the website of the local paper, the Daily Echo, in January 2010 when plans for the building's demolition became a realistic prospect when the Council bought the building: Link
A précis of the building's history appeared on the website of the local paper, the Daily Echo, in January 2010 when plans for the building's demolition became a realistic prospect when the Council bought the building: Link