NY6835 : Squelchiness is forever
taken 4 years ago, 5 km ENE of Kirkland, Cumbria, England
Squelchiness is forever
Many things have changed over the years since I walked the Pennine Way in summer 1974, but my first return to Cross Fell shows that the unique sogginess of the long distance path has remained. The last time I was here, visibility was about ten yards (so I took no photographs), but the junction of paths about 150m behind the photographer was not too hard to spot on our way down to Alston via the bothy, Greg's Hut. Today we can see where we are going, as we approach the final steepening onto the gritstone top of Cross Fell, though the cloud was to roll in about half an hour later for a while on our descent on the far side via a less-defined path.
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