SK3771 : Former entrance to Chesterfield Gasworks
taken 3 years ago, near to Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England
The trail is the result of Chesterfield Council's 'Percent for Art' scheme, which it's website describes as follows:
“The council has operated a 'Percent for Art' scheme since 1994 which has seen the completion of over 70 new art schemes located throughout the borough that help to create a sense of place and add character to the built environment.
We support the promotion of public art as good planning practice which brings cultural, environmental and economic benefits to new development and to the local community.
Whilst the schemes are generally chosen by the council and the developer, there has been considerable community involvement, with artists leading workshops in schools, colleges and with community groups.
Chesterfield’s Local Plan asks all schemes costing over £1m to include a work of art to the value of 1% of the total cost of the project. Smaller schemes are also encouraged to include artworks within their design.”
More details of the Trail and the artworks included can be found here: