TQ2290 : A wonderful visit to the RAF Museum at Hendon (44)
taken 1 year ago, near to Hendon, Barnet, England

A wonderful visit to the RAF Museum at Hendon (44)
Ever since I was a boy I have loved the RAF. My dad bought my a Biggles book, and unlike the recorder, it spurred me on to buy them whenever I could. Those, like me, who remember old money will recall they, along with Enid Blyton, were banned from public libraries. When I got to secondary school we had a teacher called Mr Healy who wasn't very interested in teaching us French but loved talking about Bomber Command. From then on Bomber Harris became a subject of fascination to me, along with Trenchard, Tedder, Portal & Co. And of course, lower down the food chain: Algy, Ginger, Smyth and Bertie.
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