D1241 : Plaque on a Ballycastle house
taken 16 years ago , near to Ballycastle , Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
Plaque on a Ballycastle house
This plaque is on the house in Ballycastle from where Marconi made his successful attempt to send telegraph signals to Rathlin Island in 1898. Marconi had rented the house at the time.
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· Plaque [8]
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D1241 , 242 images (more nearby
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Kay Atherton (more nearby )
Date Taken
Saturday, 21 June, 2008 (more nearby )
Wednesday, 25 June, 2008
Subject Location
Irish: D 121 415 [100m precision]
WGS84: 55:12.4705N 6:14.3930W
Camera Location
Irish: D 121 415
View Direction
Northwest (about 315 degrees)
Image classification
(about) :
Supplemental image
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