SP3378 : Animal drinking trough and fountain, Greyfriars Green
taken 16 years ago, near to Coventry, England
Animal drinking trough and fountain, Greyfriars Green
An inscription on the plinth of the fountain at the end of the trough reads: "Coventry Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, erected in memory of Caroline Bray who founded the above society in 1878". The plaque on the side of the trough reads: "Caroline (Cara) Bray and her husband Charles were friends of George Eliot the Victorian novelist who attended school in nearby Warwick Row. This memorial trough, formerly in Queens Road was re-sited jointly by CVOne, Coventry City Council and the George Eliot Fellowship in 2002." The buildings visible in the background are in Warwick Row which used to join Queens Road until severed by the ring road.
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