J4536 : St John's (CoI) parish church, Tyrella
taken 16 years ago , 5 km E of Dundrum , Co Down, Northern Ireland
St John's (CoI) parish church, Tyrella
Alongside the main road from Ardglass/Killough to Clough/Newcastle, the church opened in 1842. Reputedly built on the site of an earlier medieval church.
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J4536 , 19 images (more nearby
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Albert Bridge (more nearby )
Date Taken
Friday, 18 July, 2008 (more nearby )
Friday, 18 July, 2008
Subject Location
Irish: J 453 361 [100m precision]
WGS84: 54:15.2037N 5:46.2336W
Camera Location
Irish: J 453 361
View Direction
SOUTH (about 180 degrees)
Image classification
(about) :
Geograph (First for J4536)
· First in 5 Years (TPoint)
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