NS3983 : Stalked slime mould fruiting bodies

taken 17 years ago, near to Balloch, West Dunbartonshire, Scotland

Stalked slime mould fruiting bodies
Stalked slime mould fruiting bodies
This stalked form is the most common type of spore-bearing structure among slime moulds. There would originally have been a single slime mould, in the form of a plasmodium (a slow-moving gelatinous mass of protoplasm), on or within this piece of wood; on fruiting, it divided up into many small units, each of which developed into one of these stalked sporangia (the plural of sporangium, the name for an individual spore-bearing structure); the spores develop in the upper part. In the species shown here, each of the sporangia was 2-3mm tall.

At this stage, where the sporangia are still developing, and are gelatinous in consistency, very many species look greatly alike. Identification to species is only possible when the sporangia are mature, at which time they are no longer gelatinous, and they may be quite different in colour; they would, by then, have developed distinctive internal features that would allow the species to be identified after careful microscopic examination.

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Geographical Context: Woodland, Forest Image Buckets ?: Closeup Life Category: Slime mould other tags: Stalked Sporangia Slime Mould Balloch Castle Country Park Click a tag, to view other nearby images.
This photo is linked from: Automatic Clusters: · Slime Mould [5] · Fruiting Bodies [3] ·
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1:50,000 Modern Day Landranger(TM) Map © Crown Copyright
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NS3983, 85 images   (more nearby 🔍)
Lairich Rig   (more nearby)
Date Taken
Friday, 15 August, 2008   (more nearby)
Friday, 15 August, 2008
Subject Location
OSGB36: geotagged! NS 391 837 [100m precision]
WGS84: 56:1.1858N 4:34.9418W
Camera Location
OSGB36: geotagged! NS 391 837
View Direction
EAST (about 90 degrees)
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Image classification(about): Supplemental image
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