Erosion, Climping Beach (set of 2 images)

Storm damage over recent years has led to the sea defences and groynes at Climping Beach being largely destroyed, with the approach now being taken being to build shingle banks further back from the beach to allow some realignment of the coastline while still providing some protection to the floodplain beyond. Here a mini cliff has been formed where the sea has washed away part of the original beach.

All images in SU9900, taken Saturday, 4 May, 2024, by Ian Capper, near to Climping, West Sussex, England

Geographical Context: Coastal Near: Climping Atherington Place: Climping Beach Atherington Beach other tags: Erosion Beach Click a tag, to view other nearby images.

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Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)   All images are © Ian Capper and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

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