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R1227 : Welcome to Abbeyfeale, Convent Road by David Dixon
R1125 : Discount store and tyre fitters by Jonathan Billinger
R1227 : N21 approaching Abbeyfeale from the East by David Dixon
R1126 : The east side of The Square, Abbeyfeale by Jonathan Thacker
R1126 : Main Street, Abbeyfeale, at the junction with Church Street by Jonathan Thacker
R1326 : Farm next to the N21 near Abbeyfeale by David Dixon
R1126 : Statue of Father William Casey, Abbeyfeale by David Dixon
R1327 : Southbound N21 approaching Abbeyfeale by David Dixon
R1127 : The former Abbeyfeale station by Jonathan Thacker
R1126 : Main Street, Abbeyfeale by David Dixon
R1126 : Abbeyfeale, Bridge Street by David Dixon
R1126 : The Abbey Cinema, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick by Jonathan Billinger
R1025 : Slán Abhaile, Killarney Road, Abbeyfeale by David Dixon
R1127 : Former goods shed, Abbeyfeale by Jonathan Thacker
R1126 : Monument to Revd. William Casey by Jonathan Thacker
R1126 : Main Street, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick by Peter Gerken
R1226 : Pedestrian Controlled Traffic Lights. Convent Road, Mountmahon by David Dixon
R1127 : Water Tower at Abbeyfeale by Jonathan Thacker
R1126 : Market day in Abbeyfeale by Jonathan Thacker
R1127 : The platform at the former Abbeyfeale station by Jonathan Thacker

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