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Your search for images, containing [night] , in relevance order, returns 18,826 images:
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SD8010 : Bury Transport Museum on Bury Light Night by David Dixon Bury Transport Museum on Bury Light Night by David Dixon
geograph for square SD8010
Tags: [top:City, Town centre] [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [top:People, Events] [top:Railways] [19th century] [Bury] [Bury Light Night] [Illuminated] [nineteenth century] [railway carriage] [railway goods warehouse] [steam traction engines] [transport museum] [Victorian]
Looking down towards the museum and yard, illuminated by coloured lights for Bury Light Night 2013. The museum is housed in the restored Castlecroft Goods Warehouse... (more)
SD8010 : Bury Light Night, Doris the Steam Engine by David Dixon Bury Light Night, Doris the Steam Engine by David Dixon
for square SD8010
Tags: [top:City, Town centre] [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [top:People, Events] [top:Roads, Road transport] [19th century] [Bury] [Bury Light Night] [Illuminated] [nineteenth century] [steam engine] [traction engine] [transport museum] [Victorian]
As part of Bury Light Night 2013, Bury Transport Museum's two vintage steam engines, Pearl and Doris, were in steam, illuminated by coloured lights, in the yard... (more)
SD8010 : Steam Engine "Doris", Bury Light Night by David Dixon Steam Engine "Doris", Bury Light Night by David Dixon
for square SD8010
Tags: [top:City, Town centre] [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [top:Roads, Road transport] [19th century] [Bury] [Bury Light Night] [Illuminated] [nineteenth century] [steam engine] [traction engine] [transport museum] [Victorian]
As part of Bury Light Night 2013, Bury Transport Museum's two vintage steam engines, Pearl and Doris, were in steam, illuminated by coloured lights, in the yard... (more)
SD8010 : Library Gardens, Bury Light Night by David Dixon Library Gardens, Bury Light Night by David Dixon
for square SD8010
Tags: [top:City, Town centre] [top:People, Events] [Bury Light Night] [Illuminated] [Library Gardens]
The Library Gardens were transformed into a magical winter garden for Bury Light Night; Dramatic backdrops were created from the surrounding building and permanent... (more)
J5082 : Bangor Marina at night by Rossographer Bangor Marina at night by Rossographer
geograph for square J5082
Tags: [top:City, Town centre] [top:Coastal] [top:Docks, Harbours] [Bangor] [place:Bangor] [Bangor (Co Down)] [place:Bangor Harbour] [bangor marina] [place:Bangor Marina] [type:Geograph] [subject:marina] [at:Night] [taken:night] [night] [night photography] [Night Picture] [night scene] [night time] [night view]
Night shot of Bangor Marina; some of the yachts have taken part in the now annual Christmas lights competition and have decorated masts.
J5081 : Bangor Marina at night by Rossographer Bangor Marina at night by Rossographer
for square J5081
Tags: [top:Air, Sky, Weather] [top:City, Town centre] [top:Coastal] [top:Docks, Harbours] [place:Bangor] [Bangor (Co Down)] [bangor harbour] [place:Bangor Marina] [fog] [marina] [taken:night] [night] [Night Picture] [night scene] [night time] [night view] [yacht marina]
Bangor Marina at night and covered by a thick fog. Visibility was down to about 10-20 metres; on a clearer night it looks more like this J5082 : Bangor Marina at night.
J5082 : Bangor harbour at night by Rossographer Bangor harbour at night by Rossographer
geograph for square J5082
Tags: [top:Air, Sky, Weather] [top:City, Town centre] [top:Coastal] [top:Docks, Harbours] [place:Bangor] [Bangor] [Bangor (Co Down)] [place:Bangor Harbour] [bangor harbour] [Moon] [taken:night] [night] [Night Picture] [night scene] [night time] [night view]
Bangor harbour at night, with the mussel dredger 'Maria Lena' Link at the Central Pier. I have taken a few pictures... (more)
J5082 : The Seacliff Road at night by Rossographer The Seacliff Road at night by Rossographer
geograph for square J5082
Tags: [top:City, Town centre] [top:Coastal] [top:Docks, Harbours] [top:Housing, Dwellings] [Bangor] [Bangor (Co Down)] [long exposure] [taken:night] [night] [Night Picture] [night scene] [night time] [night view] [place:Seacliff Road] [streetlights] [place:The Long Hole]
Night time view of the Seacliff Road Link from across Bangor Bay - the image was taken from the 'Long Hole', the... (more)
J5182 : Ballyholme Beach at night by Rossographer Ballyholme Beach at night by Rossographer
for square J5182
Tags: [top:Coastal] [top:Docks, Harbours] [top:Suburb, Urban fringe] [Ballyholme] [place:Ballyholme Bay] [place:Ballyholme Beach] [Ballyholme Esplanade] [place:Bangor] [Bangor (Co Down)] [beach] [taken:night] [night] [Night Picture] [night scene] [night time] [night view]
Night view of Ballyholme Beach in Bangor. A very still and overcast evening, the lights are from Ballyholme Esplanade.
J5082 : Bangor Bay at night by Rossographer Bangor Bay at night by Rossographer
geograph for square J5082
Tags: [top:Air, Sky, Weather] [top:City, Town centre] [top:Coastal] [top:Docks, Harbours] [place:Bangor] [Bangor (Co Down)] [bangor bay] [place:Bangor Bay] [belfast lough] [night] [taken:night] [Night Picture] [night scene] [night time] [night view] [reflections in the water]
A very calm night looking out across the waters of Bangor Bay and Belfast Lough. The bright lights on the left are from the Eisenhower Pier at Bangor harbour, those in... (more)
J5082 : The Seacliff Road at night by Rossographer The Seacliff Road at night by Rossographer
for square J5082
Tags: [top:Air, Sky, Weather] [top:City, Town centre] [top:Coastal] [top:Docks, Harbours] [Bangor] [place:Bangor] [Bangor (Co Down)] [place:Bangor Harbour] [night] [Night Picture] [night scene] [night time] [night view] [Seacliff Road] [place:Seacliff Road] [streetlights] [place:The Long Hole]
Night time view of the Seacliff Road Link from across Bangor Bay - the image was taken from the 'Long Hole', the... (more)
J5082 : Bangor Marina at night by Rossographer Bangor Marina at night by Rossographer
geograph for square J5082
Tags: [top:City, Town centre] [top:Coastal] [top:Docks, Harbours] [place:Bangor] [place:Bangor Marina] [Boats] [harbour] [marina] [taken:night] [night] [Night Picture] [night scene] [yachts]
The entrance to Bangor Marina Link from the harbour at night, although most of it is out of sight to the left of picture in... (more)
J5082 : The 'Long Hole' at night by Rossographer The 'Long Hole' at night by Rossographer
geograph for square J5082
Tags: [top:City, Town centre] [top:Coastal] [top:Docks, Harbours] [place:Bangor] [Bangor] [Bangor (Co Down)] [type:Geograph] [subject:harbour] [long hole] [time:night] [at:Night] [night] [taken:night] [place:The Long Hole]
The 'Long Hole' in Bangor at night.
J5082 : The 'Long Hole' at night by Rossographer The 'Long Hole' at night by Rossographer
geograph for square J5082
Tags: [top:City, Town centre] [top:Coastal] [top:Docks, Harbours] [place:Bangor] [Bangor] [Bangor (Co Down)] [type:Geograph] [subject:harbour] [long hole] [time:night] [at:Night] [night] [taken:night] [place:The Long Hole]
The 'Long Hole' in Bangor at night.
J5082 : The 'Long Hole' at night by Rossographer The 'Long Hole' at night by Rossographer
geograph for square J5082
Tags: [top:City, Town centre] [top:Coastal] [top:Docks, Harbours] [place:Bangor] [Bangor] [Bangor (Co Down)] [place:Bangor Harbour] [bangor harbour] [long hole] [taken:night] [night] [Night Picture] [night time] [place:Seacliff Road] [place:The Long Hole]
A night time view of this disused harbour in Bangor. The Seacliff Road is on the right; the moon, which looks full shining through the cloud, is waning. See also... (more)

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