Shared description

Former Belvoir Park Hospital development site, Belfast

A major development site, comprising the buildings and partly-wooded grounds of the former Belvoir Park Hospital, between the Milltown, Ballylesson and Hospital Roads. The agents’ advertising material includes the following “The property extends to c. 63.4 acres (25.64 ha), of which c. 34.17 acres (13.82 ha) are situated within the Lagan Valley Regional Park and c. 23.6 acres (9.55 ha) are zoned for Housing in the Draft Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan (DBMAP). The property benefits from outline planning consent for 310 units and full planning permission for 110 units. . . . . Outline planning permission (Ref Y/2009/0462/0) – Planning consent granted for 310 residential dwellings consisting of new build and conversion of existing listed buildings, this includes retention of all listed structures and removal of non-listed structures. The outline planning consent approved layout provides or 214 new build residential dwellings and 96 residential dwellings within the proposed listed building conversation. Listed buildings consent (Ref Y/2009/0464/LB) - Planning consent granted for alteration and extensions to existing listed buildings and other works within the curtilage of listed structures to facilitate conversion of same to provide 110 residential dwellings. Full planning consent (Ref: Y/2009/0461/F) – Planning consent granted for change of use plus alteration and extension of existing buildings and other works to provide 110 residential dwellings, as per schedule below:- Conversion of existing listed buildings - 73no. apartments 19no. townhouses 2no. semi-detached 2no. detached gate lodges New build 14no. apartments”.
The photographs submitted by me appear as a matter of geographical and historical record only. I have no connection with any of the parties involved in the sale.
by Albert Bridge

Created: Wed, 15 Jan 2014, Updated: Wed, 15 Jan 2014

3 images use this description:

J3368 : Former Belvoir Hospital site, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge
J3368 : Former Belvoir Hospital site, Belfast (1) by Albert Bridge
J3368 : Former Belvoir Hospital site, Belfast (3) by Albert Bridge

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