Shared description

Manor Park, Lee

Opened in 1966 on the site of a former pig farm, and restored in 2006/7 by the Environment Agency. The lower part of the park forms part of the flood plain of the Quaggy River. Facilities include children's play area, cafe and toilets. (Information from a board on site).
by Stephen Craven

Created: Sun, 2 Mar 2014, Updated: Wed, 7 Oct 2015

6 images use this description:

TQ3874 : Manor Park: River Quaggy by Stephen Craven
TQ3874 : Manor Park: windvanes by Stephen Craven
TQ3874 : Manor Park: new bridge by Stephen Craven
TQ3874 : Manor Park: ramped entrance by Stephen Craven
TQ3874 : Manor Park: Upper Sunshine Garden by Stephen Craven
TQ3875 : Manor Park: River Quaggy (2) by Stephen Craven

Shared descriptions

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