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Bassenthwaite Lake
Like the other Lake District lakes, Bassenthwaite Lake lies in a glacially eroded valley, left after the last glaciation. Bassenthwaite Lake is linked to Derwent Water by the River Derwent, which crosses the 3-mile alluvial plain between the two lakes. There has been speculation that Derwent Water and Bassenthwaite Lake were once one larger lake with the alluvial flats now separating them formed from partial infill of the original basin.
Bassenthwaite is the only body of water in the Lake District to be technically defined as a "lake" and to use the word "lake" in its name, all the others being "waters" (eg, Derwent Water), "meres" (eg, Windermere) or "tarns" (eg, Dock Tarn).
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