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Jesus College

Jesus College (in full: Jesus College in the University of Oxford of Queen Elizabeth's Foundation) is one of the colleges of the University of Oxford. The college was founded by Elizabeth I on 27 June 1571 for the education of clergy, though students now study a broad range of secular subjects. A major driving force behind the establishment of the college was Hugh Price, a churchman from Brecon in Wales. The oldest buildings, in the first quadrangle, date from the 16th and early 17th centuries; a second quadrangle was added between about 1640 and about 1713, and a third quadrangle was built in about 1906. Further accommodation was built on the main site to mark the 400th anniversary of the college, in 1971, and student flats have been constructed at sites in north and east Oxford.
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by N Chadwick

Created: Wed, 16 Apr 2014, Updated: Mon, 12 May 2014

8 images use this description:

SP5105 : Jesus College, Keble College Boathouse by N Chadwick
SP5106 : Jesus College by N Chadwick
SP5106 : Ship Street, Oxford by Christopher Hilton
SP5106 : Jesus College by N Chadwick
SP5106 : Jesus College by N Chadwick
SP5106 : Turl Street, Oxford by Christopher Hilton
SP5106 : Jesus College by N Chadwick
SP5105 : Jesus College and Keble College Boathouse by N Chadwick

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