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Restored Lagan canal barge, Belfast

The following is part of a press release issued by Castlereagh Borough Council on 19 August 2014: “Historic Barge Arrives in Castlereagh A piece of local history has returned to the Lagan Canal at the Lock Keeper’s Cottage following the arrival of an original 1871 Industry Barge. The mooring of the barge is the first stage in an extensive restoration programme to restore the original Lagan Lighter entitled ‘Industry’ back to its former glory. Supported by the Lagan Rural Partnership through the Northern Ireland Rural Development Programme, the project aims to increase the service provision for visitors in the area by enhancing the heritage and tourism product associated with the historic Lagan Navigation at Lock III. . . . Once refurbished, the Industry Barge will contain an exhibition focusing on the history of the Lagan Navigation and the workings on the Locks, along with a set showing the living conditions of the Lighterman and his family.” The barge is at the restored lock no3 J3369 : Lock restoration, Newforge, Belfast and J3369 : The Lagan navigation restoration (19), Lockkeeper’s Lane (Milltown Road).
by Albert Bridge

Created: Sat, 23 Aug 2014, Updated: Mon, 1 Sep 2014

3 images use this description:

J3369 : Restored Lagan canal barge, Belfast - August 2014(2) by Albert Bridge
J3369 : Restored Lagan canal barge, Belfast - August 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
J3369 : Restored canal barge, Belfast (November 2014) by Albert Bridge

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