Shared description

River Nidd

The River Nidd is a tributary of the River Ouse in North Yorkshire. The Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust YDRT has a remit to conserve the ecological condition of the river Nidd from its headwaters to the Humber estuary. The river gets its name for the Celtic word for brilliant.
The upper river valley, Nidderdale, was designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in 1994.
The river is 95 Km long.
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by N Chadwick

Created: Thu, 6 Nov 2014, Updated: Thu, 6 Nov 2014

347 images use this description. Preview sample shown below:

SE5157 : Nidd's Mouth by Alan Murray-Rust
SE2060 : River Nidd by N Chadwick
SE3358 : River Nidd by N Chadwick
SE3457 : Bed race river crossing by DS Pugh
SE3457 : High Bridge by habiloid
SE4554 : Dandelions along the riverbank by DS Pugh
SE2062 : River Nidd by N Chadwick
SE5056 : Towards the River Nidd by DS Pugh
SE3457 : River Nidd by N Chadwick
SE3456 : Weir on the R.Nidd, Knaresborough by Jonathan Hutchins
SE3457 : Knaresborough Viaduct by N Chadwick
SE1864 : Footbridge, River Nidd by N Chadwick
SE3457 : Bridge over the River Nidd by DS Pugh
SE1962 : Weir, River Nidd by N Chadwick
SE3655 : The River Nidd near Grimbald Crag, Knaresborough by habiloid
SE3058 : River Nidd from Nidd Viaduct by DS Pugh
SE3457 : Viaduct over The River Nidd seen from the Castle Yard by habiloid
SE3158 : River Nidd, Nidd Gorge by N Chadwick
SE0375 : River Nidd seen from the head of Angram Reservoir by habiloid
SE3456 : River Nidd from Waterside by DS Pugh
SE3457 : Knaresborough Viaduct and the River Nidd seen from the Castle Yard by habiloid
SE4553 : River path near the lane to Cattal by DS Pugh
SE5157 : Confluence of the Rivers Ouse and Nidd by Chris Heaton
SE3058 : River Nidd from the Viaduct by DS Pugh
SE1962 : River Nidd by N Chadwick

... and 322 more images.

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