Shared description

Princess Anne's Oak

Princess Anne's Oak is overlooking London Road, between Mount Edgcumbe Road and the Vale Road corner. The tree is said to have been planted around 1700 to commemorate the several visits of the Princess (later Queen Anne) to Tunbridge Wells between 1684 and 1698. The Victorian railings around the tree were restored in 1995, and a plaque affixed.
by N Chadwick

Created: Tue, 7 Jul 2015, Updated: Tue, 7 Jul 2015

19 images use this description:

TQ5839 : Princess Anne Oak by N Chadwick
TQ5839 : Princess Anne's Oak by N Chadwick
TQ5839 : Princess Anne's Oak by N Chadwick
TQ5839 : Princess Anne's Oak by N Chadwick
TQ5839 : Princess Anne's Oak by N Chadwick
TQ5839 : Princess Anne's Oak by N Chadwick
TQ5839 : Princess Anne's Oak, Tunbridge Wells Common by N Chadwick
TQ5839 : Princess Anne's Oak by N Chadwick
TQ5839 : Princess Anne's Oak, Tunbridge Wells Common by N Chadwick
TQ5839 : Princess Anne Oak by N Chadwick
TQ5839 : Princess Anne's Oak by N Chadwick
TQ5839 : Princess Anne Oak by N Chadwick
TQ5839 : Princess Anne's Oak by N Chadwick
TQ5839 : Princess Anne's Oak by N Chadwick
TQ5839 : Princess Anne's Oak by N Chadwick
TQ5839 : Princess Anne's Oak by N Chadwick
TQ5839 : Princess Anne's Oak by N Chadwick
TQ5839 : Princess Anne's Oak by N Chadwick
TQ5839 : Princess Anne Oak by N Chadwick

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