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Nos 172/174 Finaghy Road South, Belfast

A site, at Finaghy Road “South, almost opposite Trossachs Drive, currently (May 2016) occupied by two derelict detached houses. Offered for sale , the agents’ description includes ““The site is located within the development limit for Belfast and is previously developed unzoned “white land” within the Belfast Urban Area Plan 2001 with a similar designation within the Draft BMAP 2015. Two previous planning applications have been approved on the site but have subsequently since lapsed as detailed below: Z/2005/0816/F Full planning application for a development of 5 no. townhouses and associated parking at 174 Finaghy Road South. Approved 16th May 2006 and expired 16th May 2011. Z/2004/2736/F Full planning application for the construction of 7 no. self contained apartments at 172 Finaghy Road South. Approved on 21st February 2006 and expired on 21st February 2011.”
The photographs submitted by me appear as a matter of record only. I have no connection to any of the parties involved in the sale.
by Albert Bridge

Created: Mon, 2 May 2016, Updated: Mon, 2 May 2016

2 images use this description:

J3069 : No 174 Finaghy Road South, Belfast (May 2016) by Albert Bridge
J3069 : No 172 Finaghy Road South, Belfast (May 2016) by Albert Bridge

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