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Sheffield Central Library

Sheffield Central Library and Graves Art Gallery is a public library in Sheffield. It houses the city library service's single largest general lending and reference collection, as well as hosting an art gallery on the third floor, and a theatre in the basement.
Work on the building began in 1929, to a design by W. G. Davies. Built in a broadly art-deco style, it was opened in 1934 by the Duchess of York. Conceived as part of a plan by Patrick Abercrombie to create a civic square, it was the only element ever built and so faces onto a narrow street. In 1991, Tudor Square was constructed to one side of the library.
The building, supported by a steel frame, is faced with Portland stone and has some decorative mouldings by Alfred and William Tory.
The Graves Art Gallery was founded around a bequest from J. G. Graves and hosts a range of temporary and permanent exhibitions.
Grade II listed. LinkExternal link
by N Chadwick

Created: Mon, 27 Jun 2016, Updated: Mon, 27 Jun 2016

3 images use this description:

SK3587 : The Central Library by N Chadwick
SK3587 : Central Library by N Chadwick
SK3587 : The Central Library by N Chadwick

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