Shared description

Sir Joseph Bazalgette

Sir Joseph William Bazalgette, CB (28 March 1819 – 15 March 1891) was a 19th-century English civil engineer. As chief engineer of London's Metropolitan Board of Works his major achievement was the creation of a sewer network for central London which was instrumental in relieving the city from cholera epidemics, while beginning the cleansing of the River Thames.
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by N Chadwick

Created: Wed, 22 Mar 2017, Updated: Wed, 22 Mar 2017

9 images use this description:

TQ3080 : Sir Joseph Bazalgette Memorial by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Victoria Embankment by N Chadwick
TQ2877 : Chelsea Embankment by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : A3211, Victoria Embankment by N Chadwick
TQ3079 : Albert Embankment by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Sir Joseph Bazalgette Memorial by N Chadwick
TQ3079 : The Albert Embankment by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Memorial to Sir J. Bazelgette by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Sir Joseph Bazalgette Memorial by N Chadwick

Shared descriptions

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