Shared description

Peasholm Park and Glen, Scarborough

The Park, centred on an artificial lake with an island and Japanese gardens, was landscaped in the 1930s on the site of the former Northstead Manor, and also incorporates the wooded valley known as Peasholm Glen.

A detailed description is given in the Historic England grade 2 listing of the park LinkExternal link

NB another Shared Description exists for Peasholm Park, with a link to the official website, but I have created this one to link to the HE entry and include the Glen.
by Stephen Craven

Created: Sat, 1 Apr 2017, Updated: Wed, 3 May 2017

19 images use this description:

TA0389 : Boat hire facility, Peasholm Park  by Stephen Craven
TA0389 : Illumination on the stream by DS Pugh
TA0389 : Cafe in Peasholm Park (closed) by Stephen Craven
TA0389 : Cascade in Peasholm Glen by Stephen Craven
TA0389 : Lake and bridge, Peasholm Park  by Stephen Craven
TA0389 : Oriental arch, Peasholm Park by Stephen Craven
TA0389 : Lake and flowers, Peasholm Park  by Stephen Craven
TA0389 : Looking across the lake in Peasholm Park  by Stephen Craven
TA0389 : Bandstand in the lake, Peasholm Park  by Stephen Craven
TA0389 : The Little Glen, Peasholm Park by Stephen Craven
TA0389 : Bird carving, Peasholm Park by Stephen Craven
TA0389 : Illuminated tulips in Peasholm Park by DS Pugh
TA0389 : Spring flowers, Peasholm Park  by Stephen Craven
TA0389 : Viewing terrace, Peasholm Park  by Stephen Craven
TA0389 : Illuminations amongst the trees by DS Pugh
TA0389 : Pair of gulls in Peasholm Park by Stephen Craven
TA0389 : Bottom of the Glen, Peasholm Park by Stephen Craven
TA0389 : Illuminated tulips by DS Pugh
TA0388 : Trees at the top of Peasholm Glen by Stephen Craven

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