Shared description

The Holme, Regent's Park

The first villa built in Regent's Park, designed in 1818 by Decimus Burton as home for his father John Burton, a builder who supported Nash in developing the park. It is owned by the Crown Commission. From about 1947 to 1985 it was leased by Bedford College as an academic and residential building, then it again became a private residence. The original gardens designed by J C Loudon were lost; the present 4 acre gardens were designed by Colson Stone Practice LinkExternal link. Their website says: the plan "was inspired by the original Regency garden layout and which included lavishly planted, mounded, island beds and serpentine paths. The design also included a new rock garden, complete with grotto and waterfall."
In 2017 the garden was open to the public for charity on four days as part of the National Garden Scheme.
by David Hawgood

Created: Mon, 7 Aug 2017, Updated: Wed, 6 Jul 2022

9 images use this description:

TQ2782 : The Holme, lawn and herbaceous borders by David Hawgood
TQ2782 : The Holme, villa in Regent's Park by David Hawgood
TQ2782 : The Holme, formal garden with bedding plants and topiary by David Hawgood
TQ2782 : The Holme, wooden dove house on pole in lawn by David Hawgood
TQ2782 : The Holme from its lawn by David Hawgood
TQ2782 : The Holme, waterfall from grotto by David Hawgood
TQ2782 : The Holme by N Chadwick
TQ2782 : The Holme, Chinese rice paper tree by David Hawgood
TQ2782 : The Holme, fountain in pond with water lilies by David Hawgood

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