Shared description

Plymouth Castle

Plymouth Castle was a fortification built in the early 15th century to defend the town and harbour of Plymouth. By the end of the 16th century it had ceased to have any military function and fell into disrepair, being almost completely demolished by the 19th century. Only a small fragment of an outer gatehouse remains.
It is a Grade II listed building LinkExternal link and a Scheduled Ancient Monument.
by N Chadwick

Created: Sun, 19 Nov 2017, Updated: Sun, 19 Nov 2017

7 images use this description:

SX4853 : Plymouth Castle by N Chadwick
SX4853 : Plymouth Castle (rems of) by N Chadwick
SX4853 : Remains of Plymouth Castle by N Chadwick
SX4853 : Plymouth Castle (rems of) by N Chadwick
SX4853 : Remains of Plymouth Castle by N Chadwick
SX4853 : Plymouth Castle (rems of) by N Chadwick
SX4853 : Remains of Plymouth Castle by N Chadwick

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