Shared description

Beaumont Park

Beaumont Park was the vision of Reverend Thomas Bewes who owned Beaumont House (built in 1800) which borders the park. He bequeathed the land which now forms the park to the people of Plymouth after his death in 1890. The park was opened to the public in 1892, in those days there were clear views across Sutton Harbour and the Plymouth Sound.
The park is surrounded by high walls and forms a unit with the next door Beaumont House. There are formal gardens near to the house whilst the rest of the park contains mature trees. The park is known to some as 'Squirrel Park' because of the abundance of grey squirrels which scamper about between the trees.
by N Chadwick

Created: Wed, 20 Jun 2018, Updated: Wed, 20 Jun 2018

7 images use this description:

SX4854 : Beaumont Park by N Chadwick
SX4854 : Beaumont Park by N Chadwick
SX4854 : Beaumont Park by N Chadwick
SX4854 : Beaumont Park by N Chadwick
SX4854 : Beaumont Park by N Chadwick
SX4854 : Beaumont Park by N Chadwick
SX4854 : Memorial, Beaumont Park by N Chadwick

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