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The Clevedon Branch Line

The 3½ mile Yatton to Clevedon branch was opened by the Bristol & Exeter Railway on 28th July 1847. Initially built to Brunel’s broad gauge of 7ft it was converted to standard gauge in September 1879 by which time the B&ER had amalgamated with the GWR. It was single track throughout & there were no intermediate stations or any significant engineering works. Clevedon station was initially a timber structure but this was replaced in 1890 by a substantial masonry building, with the timber train shed being retained.

The branch was listed for closure in the ‘Beeching’ report of March 1963. Shortly afterwards, in June, the branch was closed to goods traffic & the sidings at Clevedon removed. As a further economy measure Clevedon became an unstaffed halt in April 1964. This was not enough to save the branch & it duly closed on 3rd October 1966. A preservation society was set up in an attempt to save the line but it was unable to raise the funds to buy the line from British Rail & the plan was abandoned circa 1968. Subsequently the course of the line was severed by the M5 motorway which definitely put paid to any idea of reinstatement.

At Clevedon the station & goods shed were demolished in May 1968 & the site was eventually developed as the Triangle Centre.
by Martin Tester

Created: Fri, 1 Mar 2019, Updated: Sat, 2 Mar 2019

11 images use this description:

ST4070 : Clevedon Station - Edwardian Health & Safety Notice by Martin Tester
ST4071 : Clevedon Station entrance by Martin Tester
ST4070 : Clevedon Halt, 1966 by Alan Murray-Rust
ST4266 : A Clevedon train leaves Yatton by Martin Tester
ST4071 : Clevedon Station - platform & train shed by Martin Tester
ST4070 : Clevedon Goods Shed by Martin Tester
ST4266 : A Clevedon train waits at Yatton by Martin Tester
ST4071 : Clevedon Station - 2 weeks before closure by Martin Tester
ST4266 : Broad Gauge Horsebox at Yatton by Martin Tester
ST4071 : Clevedon Station frontage by Martin Tester
ST4266 : Clevedon train at Yatton Station, 1966 by Alan Murray-Rust

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