Shared description

Litter bins

Litter was first seen as a national problem in the mid-1950s just as our domestic manufacturing industry began to bounce back after the Second World War. In 1957, The Times newspaper complained about ‘litter by the tonne’ and in 1958 we had the first Litter Act. By the 1970s disposable products were intrinsic to our daily lives and ‘littering’ had become a widely accepted social norm. Being well brought up, I still cannot help myself staring when an otherwise ordinary looking person brazenly drops litter. A 2016 survey found Britain’s top litter items were cigarette stubs, sweet wrappers, drinks bottles, food packaging, paper tissues and plastic bags. The average person, apparently, holds a piece of litter for 12 steps before dropping it. So if there isn’t a litter bin within about thirty feet, chances are it lands on the ground…..
by Basher Eyre

Created: Sat, 11 Dec 2021, Updated: Sat, 11 Dec 2021

19 images use this description:

SJ8847 : Litter bin in Old Hall Street by Basher Eyre
TQ0826 : Litter bin in Billingshurst High Street by Basher Eyre
TQ1303 : Litter bin in St Andrew's Park by Basher Eyre
SU4212 : Southampton's splendid parks (32) by Basher Eyre
SK3587 : Litter bin in Pinstone Street by Basher Eyre
SU7934 : A lunchtime stroll around Bordon (57) by Basher Eyre
NY4055 : Litter bin in Victoria Viaduct by Basher Eyre
SZ9399 : Litter bin in Clarence Road by Basher Eyre
SU7106 : Litter bin in a snowy Leigh Road by Basher Eyre
TQ0582 : Litter bin at Brunel University by Basher Eyre
TQ0402 : Littlehampton to Rustington and back (102) by Basher Eyre
TQ3181 : This is no ordinary litter bin.... by Basher Eyre
SK3487 : Litter bins in Mappin Street by Basher Eyre
SZ5491 : Litter bin on Wootton Bridge by Basher Eyre
SU7310 : Smarter than the average bin by Basher Eyre
TQ9220 : Sponsored litter bin by the parish church by Basher Eyre
TQ1730 : A dated litter bin in Horsham town centre by Basher Eyre
ST8622 : Litter bin in Salisbury Street by Basher Eyre
SU4648 : Seat in Old Newbury Road by Basher Eyre

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