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Church of St Mary, Bury St Edmunds

The Church of St Mary, Bury St Edmunds was originally part of the abbey complex, along with St James (now the cathedral) and St Margaret's (now demolished) - but all these three were dwarfed by the Abbey Church which is now in ruins.
Its original dedication was "The church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary", but it is now universally known as "St Mary's".
It has the largest west window of any parish church in Britain and the second longest nave (after Christchurch Priory). It also contains the grave of a Queen of France - see TL8563 : Bury St Edmunds - St Mary's - Mary Tudor, Queen of France for more details.
It dates from the C14th & 15th though on an earlier site as far back as the C7th century, founded by King Sigeberht. The current building is in the Perpendicular style. This third and final period of Gothic architecture features numerous large windows allowing a lot of light into the interior.
On our visit we were met by a very informative and friendly guide who made us aware of its most interesting features.

Unsurprisingly it is Grade I listed: LinkExternal link

Local visitor information: LinkExternal link
by Rob Farrow

Created: Mon, 18 Jul 2022, Updated: Mon, 18 Sep 2023

40 images use this description. Preview sample shown below:

TL8563 : West Window, St Mary's church, Bury St Edmunds by Julian P Guffogg
TL8563 : Window sVI, St Mary's church, Bury St Edmunds by Julian P Guffogg
TL8563 : The Mary Rose window in St Mary's by Tiger
TL8563 : St. Mary's church chancel roof by Richard Croft
TL8563 : Window sV, St Mary's church, Bury St Edmunds by Julian P Guffogg
TL8563 : Brass, St Mary's church, Bury St Edmunds by Julian P Guffogg
TL8563 : Carew Monument, St Mary's church, Bury St Edmunds by Julian P Guffogg
TL8563 : Bury St Edmunds - Church of St Mary by Rob Farrow
TL8563 : Window sXIII, St Mary's church, Bury St Edmunds by Julian P Guffogg
TL8563 : Bury St Edmunds - St Mary's - Tomb: Sir Robert Drury & wife by Rob Farrow
TL8563 : North chapel east window, St Mary's church, Bury St Edmunds by Julian P Guffogg
TL8563 : Bury St Edmunds - St Mary's - Mary Tudor, Queen of France by Rob Farrow
TL8563 : Bury St Edmunds - St Mary's - Tomb: Sir William Carewe & wife by Rob Farrow
TL8563 : Bury St Edmunds - St Mary's Church - southern façade by Rob Farrow
TL8563 : Chancel ceiling in St Mary's by Tiger
TL8563 : North West window, St Mary's church, Bury St Edmunds by Julian P Guffogg
TL8563 : Font, St Mary's church, Bury St Edmunds by Julian P Guffogg
TL8563 : Window sVIII, St Mary's church, Bury St Edmunds by Julian P Guffogg
TL8563 : Window sVII, St Mary's church, Bury St Edmunds by Julian P Guffogg
TL8563 : Stained glass window, St Mary's church, Bury St Edmunds by Julian P Guffogg
TL8563 : West window in St Mary's by Tiger
TL8563 : Bury St Edmunds - St Mary's - Nave looking westwards by Rob Farrow
TL8563 : Bury St Edmunds - St Mary's - Effigies: Sir William Carewe & wife by Rob Farrow
TL8563 : Bury St Edmunds - St Mary's - Great West Window by Rob Farrow
TL8563 : Bury St Edmunds - St Mary's - Chancel by Rob Farrow

... and 15 more images.

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