Shared description

Minnowburn, Edenderry and the Lagan towpath 21 February 2011

A series of photographs taken at Minnowburn, Edenderry and along the Lagan towpath on 21 February 2011. The weather started with rain which eased and eventually turned to hazy sunshine. Numerous birds in song suggested that spring was not too far away.
by Albert Bridge

Created: Mon, 21 Feb 2011, Updated: Mon, 21 Feb 2011

15 images use this description:

J3268 : Gate, Minnowburn, Belfast (4) by Albert Bridge
J3268 : Puddle and trees, Minnowburn, Belfast by Albert Bridge
J3168 : Field near Edenderry, Belfast (6) by Albert Bridge
J3167 : Wastewater treatment works, Edenderry, Belfast by Albert Bridge
J3268 : The winter Minnowburn, Belfast by Albert Bridge
J3167 : Pipe, Edenderry, Belfast by Albert Bridge
J3268 : Managed woodland, Minnowburn, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge
J3167 : Field and trees, Edenderry, Belfast by Albert Bridge
J3168 : The River Lagan, Edenderry, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge
J3268 : Winter fungus, Minnowburn, Belfast by Albert Bridge
J3268 : Managed woodland, Minnowburn, Belfast (3) by Albert Bridge
J3268 : "Firewood" sign, Minnowburn, Belfast by Albert Bridge
J3268 : Managed woodland, Minnowburn, Belfast (4) by Albert Bridge
J3268 : Gate, Lagan towpath near Minnowburn, Belfast by Albert Bridge
J3167 : Two trees at Edenderry, Belfast by Albert Bridge

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