Shared description

The view from St.Hugh

A 5-year, £2.5 million restoration programme for the two west front turrets of St.Mary's Cathedral Link involve safety hoarding of an 80ft panorama of the view from St.Hugh, 130ft above ground on the south turret. Design and printing has been generously provided free of charge from Lincoln printers Ruddocks.
by Richard Croft

Created: Wed, 12 Oct 2011, Updated: Wed, 12 Oct 2011

5 images use this description:

SK9771 : The view from St.Hugh by Richard Croft
SK9771 : Site Office by Richard Croft
SK9771 : South turret restoration works by Richard Croft
SK9771 : The view from St.Hugh by Richard Croft
SK9771 : Restoration panorama by Richard Croft

Shared descriptions

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The 'Shared Description' text on this page is © copyright 2011 Richard Croft.

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