Shared description

Somerset House

Grade I listed multi purpose building. LinkExternal link
Wikipedia: LinkExternal link
by N Chadwick

Created: Fri, 2 Dec 2011, Updated: Tue, 7 Nov 2017

37 images use this description. Preview sample shown below:

TQ3080 : Somerset House by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Euston to Waterloo by Shank's Pony (72) by Basher Eyre
TQ3080 : Somerset House by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Somerset House by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Somerset House by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Somerset House across the Thames by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Somerset House by Paul Gillett
TQ3080 : Somerset House by Eirian Evans
TQ3080 : Somerset House by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Somerset House by PAUL FARMER
TQ3080 : A301 by Somerset House by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Somerset House by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Somerset House by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Somerset House by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Somerset House by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Somerset House by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Somerset House by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Somerset House by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Somerset House by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Somerset House by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Somerset House by Eirian Evans
TQ3080 : Somerset House by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Somerset House by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Preparing the Ice Rink at Somerset House by PAUL FARMER
TQ3080 : Christmas Tree, Somerset House by PAUL FARMER

... and 12 more images.

Shared descriptions

This shared description

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is © copyright 2011 N Chadwick.

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