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Memorial to Sir John Reade & wife

Sir John Reade (1560-1626) was born and died in Wrangle.
He graduated from Trinity College, Oxon, at age 17.

John Reade probably married his first wife (name unknown) about 1585. Four daughters were born to them.

About 1608, Reade married again to Anne Garrard, daughter of the Lord Mayor of London (1601-1602). Anne was 30 years her husband's junior. They had 8 children. Between his two wives, Reade had 12 children with only two sons. Son John died young, so the only son to survive was Thomas.

In 1609, he served as the Sheriff of Lincolnshire.
In 1626 at age 65, Reade died, leaving Anne with 8 underage children. Reade's daughters from his first marriage were probably all married.

Dame Anne lived another 26 years until 1652. She erected the monument in memory of her husband.
John and his wife were buried at Wrangle Church.
The tomb is somewhat damaged, and shows the couple as full length figures. The children are depicted as weepers on the front, with a beautiful representation of a child lying in a cradle into which death's head is intruding.

"A worthy gentleman, of such parts
As had of rich and poore the love and hearts,
Hath here his corps, the case and outward side,
His soule in heaven in Christ, who for him dyde.
Fowle-mouth'd base envie, saye it what it can,
He was a worthy, honest, right good man.

Whom love did linke, and nought but death desserver,
Well may they be conjoin'd and ly together.
Like turtle doves they liv'd; chast, pure in mind:
Fewe, O too fewe, such couples we shall find.
Example they have left for after times
To shun of marriage state the common crimes."
by Julian P Guffogg

Created: Mon, 23 Jan 2012, Updated: Mon, 23 Jan 2012

5 images use this description:

TF4250 : Detail of Cradle, Reade memorial, Ss Mary & Nicholas church, Wrangle by J.Hannan-Briggs
TF4250 : Daughters of Sir John Reade, memorial, Wrangle church by J.Hannan-Briggs
TF4250 : Sir John Reade Memorial, Ss Mary & Nicholas church, Wrangle by J.Hannan-Briggs
TF4250 : Thomas Reade on memorial to Sir John Reade, Wrangle church by J.Hannan-Briggs
TF4250 : Sir John and Dame Anne Reade, memorial, Wrangle church by J.Hannan-Briggs

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