Shared description

Cleopatra's Needle

Cleopatra's Needle was presented to the United Kingdom in 1819 by the ruler of Egypt and Sudan Muhammad Ali, in commemoration of the victories of Lord Nelson at the Battle of the Nile and Sir Ralph Abercromby at the Battle of Alexandria in 1801. The Needle was erected in 1878 on Victoria Embankment. Grade I listed. LinkExternal link
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by N Chadwick

Created: Thu, 26 Apr 2012, Updated: Sun, 24 Mar 2013

14 images use this description:

TQ3080 : Cleopatra's Needle by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Cleopatra's Needle by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Cleopatra's Needle by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Cleopatra's Needle by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Cleopatra's Needle by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : The Embankment from Cleopatra's Needle by David P Howard
TQ3080 : Cleopatra's Needle by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Sphinx, Cleopatra's Needle by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Cleopatra's Needle by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Cleopatra's Needle, Victoria Embankment by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Sphinx at Cleopatra's Needle by Lauren
TQ3080 : Cleopatra's Needle by N Chadwick
TQ3080 : Cleopatra's Needleon the Thames by Ralph Greig
TQ3080 : Cleopatra's Needle by N Chadwick

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