Shared description

A428 Road

The A428 road is a major road in central and eastern England. It connects the cities of Coventry and Cambridge, via Northampton and Bedford.
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by N Chadwick

Created: Wed, 28 Nov 2012, Updated: Wed, 28 Nov 2012

33 images use this description. Preview sample shown below:

TL1657 : A428 overbridge, A1 by N Chadwick
TL2360 : A428 Cambridge Road, Eynesbury Hardwicke by Geographer
TL2259 : A428 to Cambridge by N Chadwick
TL1858 : Entering Cambridgeshire and railway bridge, A428 by N Chadwick
TL3659 : A428, Hardwick bypass by N Chadwick
TL1958 : B1046 Bridge, A428 by N Chadwick
TL0147 : A428 Bridge over the River Great Ouse by N Chadwick
TL1858 : A428, St Neots by N Chadwick
TL2960 : A428 by N Chadwick
TL2360 : A428 Cambridge Road, Eynesbury Hardwicke by Geographer
TL0147 : A428 bridge over the River Great Ouse by N Chadwick
TL0147 : A428 by N Chadwick
TL2559 : A428, Cambridge Rd by N Chadwick
TL3759 : Footbridge, A428 by N Chadwick
TL1858 : A428, St Neots bypass by N Chadwick
TL2360 : A428, Cambridge Rd by N Chadwick
TL3359 : Broadway Bridge, A428 by N Chadwick
TL2860 : A428 to Cambridge by N Chadwick
TL3160 : A428 by N Chadwick
TL2960 : Car Wash at Caxton Gibbet by M J Richardson
TL3559 : St Neots Road Bridge, A428 by N Chadwick
TL1858 : A428, eastbound by N Chadwick
TL3160 : Cambourne turning, A428 by N Chadwick
TL2659 : A428 to Cambridge by N Chadwick
TL0147 : A428 bridge over the River Great Ouse by N Chadwick

... and 8 more images.

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