Shared description

Stranraer Railway Station

Also known as Stranraer Harbour Station, the Portpatrick Railway opened the original station on 1 October 1862. The present buildings date from 1877, although there have been some alterations over the years. From its internal appearance, little seems to have been done to the station since the demise of British Rail in 1997.
From opening in 1861, the station provided a rail connection for passengers arriving off the steamer from Larne. However, Stena Line moved the ferry from Larne to Belfast in 1995 and from Stranraer to Loch Ryan Port (outside Cairnryan) on 20 November 2011. There is an electric bus service from the ferry terminals to Stranraer station (from 2013).
The overnight sleeper service to/from London Euston ended in 1990. Current rail services consist of six trains per day Monday – Saturday, with three on Sunday (2012/2013 Timetable). Plans have been proposed to move Stranraer station, although these currently appear in abeyance. Nevertheless, with the reduced frequency of trains, the entire future of the line south of Girvan must be in doubt.
For the purpose of this Shared Description, the station area includes the railway line as far as the former Stranraer Harbour Junction and Stranraer Town station, which opened on 11 March 1861 and closed 7 March 1966.
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by The Carlisle Kid

Created: Thu, 11 Apr 2013, Updated: Mon, 3 Mar 2014

100 images use this description. Preview sample shown below:

NX0661 : Stranraer railway station - 27 December 2014 (11) by The Carlisle Kid
NX0661 : Signals - Stranraer station by The Carlisle Kid
NX0661 : Train approaching Stranraer Harbour station by The Carlisle Kid
NX0661 : Advertising board - Stranraer station - (1) by The Carlisle Kid
NX0661 : Train leaving Stranraer station by The Carlisle Kid
NX0661 : Stranraer Harbour Station - 1980 - (3) by The Carlisle Kid
NX0661 : Stranraer Harbour Station - 1980 - (2) by The Carlisle Kid
NX0661 : Signal box at Stranraer Harbour Station by Peter Richardson
NX0661 : Stranraer railway station - 27 December 2014 (8) by The Carlisle Kid
NX0661 : Stranraer Harbour, East Pier by Peter Richardson
NX0661 : Stranraer Harbour Station - 1980 - (4) by The Carlisle Kid
NX0661 : Stranraer railway station - 27 December 2014 (4) by The Carlisle Kid
NX0661 : Stranraer railway station - October 2017 (2) by The Carlisle Kid
NX0661 : Stranraer railway station - October 2017 (10) by The Carlisle Kid
NX0661 : Stranraer Harbour station by The Carlisle Kid
NX0661 : Stranraer Harbour Station - 1987 by The Carlisle Kid
NX0661 : Platform 1 at Stranraer Harbour Station by Peter Richardson
NX0661 : Advertising board - Stranraer station - (2) by The Carlisle Kid
NX0661 : Train entering Stranraer by The Carlisle Kid
NX0661 : Floral arrangement - Stranraer station by The Carlisle Kid
NX0661 : Stranraer railway station - 27 December 2014 (3) by The Carlisle Kid
NX0661 : Stranraer railway station - 27 December 2014 (9) by The Carlisle Kid
NX0661 : Stranraer Railway Station - 3 May 2014 (3) by The Carlisle Kid
NX0661 : Stranraer railway station - 27 December 2014 (13) by The Carlisle Kid
NX0661 : Stranraer railway station - 27 December 2014 (12) by The Carlisle Kid

... and 75 more images.

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