Shared description

Dean's Eye window, Lincoln Cathedral

The window was built between 1220 and 1235, and is a good example of an Early English plate-tracery rose window. The geometric design, with concentric tiers of circular window lights, was innovative in the early part of the 13th century and predates the geometric tracery of the later decorated style of Gothic architecture.
The tracery is carved from locally quarried Lincoln limestone and is decorated with stiff leaf foliage carving on the outside.
The window dates from the period of restoration of the Cathedral by Saint Hugh, following an earthquake in 1185. The Bishops Eye window in the south transept was built at the same time, but was reconstructed in 1330.

The principal theme of the window is the second coming of Christ and the last judgement. Some scenes are associated with death and resurrection, such as the funeral of Saint Hugh and the death of the Virgin.

Some repairs were carried out in the 18th and 19th century, but in the 1980s it was noticed the window was curving outwards. This could have been due to southerly winds which created a vacuum on the outside of the window. Therefore a major restoration was undertaken and the window was completely removed and restored. Much of the stone tracery had to be completely replaced, and it was particularly challenging as the window supports the transept roof.
Around 70% glass is original, and all the restoration work was carried out by the Cathedral works department's stained-glass conservators.
by Julian P Guffogg

Created: Sat, 19 Oct 2013, Updated: Sat, 19 Oct 2013

21 images use this description:

SK9771 : Segments H15-16, Dean's Eye Window, Lincoln Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg
SK9771 : Segment H1, Dean's Eye Window, Lincoln Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg
SK9771 : Segments H4-5, Dean's Eye Window, Lincoln Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg
SK9771 : Dean's Eye Window, Lincoln Cathedral  by Julian P Guffogg
SK9771 : Segment E4, Dean's Eye Window, Lincoln Cathedral by J.Hannan-Briggs
SK9771 : Segment E1, Dean's Eye Window, Lincoln Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg
SK9771 : Segments H13-14,  Dean's Eye Window, Lincoln Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg
SK9771 : Lincoln Cathedral, North Transept by Julian P Guffogg
SK9771 : Segment B, Dean's Eye Window, Lincoln Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg
SK9771 :  Complete Dean's Eye Window, Lincoln Cathedral by J.Hannan-Briggs
SK9771 : Segment C, Dean's Eye Window, Lincoln Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg
SK9771 : Segment O, Dean's Eye Window, Lincoln Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg
SK9771 : Segment D, Dean's Eye Window, Lincoln Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg
SK9771 : Segments H11-12, Dean's Eye Window, Lincoln Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg
SK9771 : Segment H6, Dean's Eye Window, Lincoln Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg
SK9771 :  Segment E3, Dean's Eye Window, Lincoln Cathedral by J.Hannan-Briggs
SK9771 : Segment E2, Dean's Eye Window, Lincoln Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg
SK9771 : Segments H7-8, Dean's Eye Window, Lincoln Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg
SK9771 : Segments H2-3, Dean's Eye Window, Lincoln Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg
SK9771 : Segments H9-10, Dean's Eye Window, Lincoln Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg
SK9771 : Segment A, Dean's Eye Window, Lincoln Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg

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