Overview Statistics for Geograph Britain and Ireland
- 13919 Users have submitted images
- 25 new users in past 7 days
- A total of 281421 Geograph points have been awarded
Great Britain | Ireland | Total | |
Images submitted | 7,451,999 | 384,237 | 7,836,236 |
[in past 7 days] | 4,639 | 227 | 4,866 |
1km2 grid squares | 240,947 /244,319 |
41,825 /87,771 |
282,772 /332,090 |
[as percentage] | 98.620% | 47.652% | 85.149% |
[with Geograph(s)] | 240,261 | 41,160 | 281,421 |
Hectads? 10km x 10km squares |
2,880 /2,914 |
1,000 /1,025 |
3,880 /3,939 |
Myriads? 100km x 100km squares |
57 /58 |
18 /18 |
75 /76 |
Centre of gravity
The Geograph centre for images in the Great Britain is SD6061, near to Salter, Lancashire, England. And for Ireland is N2275, near to Moat Farrell, Co Longford, Ireland.
User leaderboards: By Month, First Hectads, Hectads and Most in One Day
Weekly LeaderboardCovering the squares
? None: Hectads (10km x 10km Squares) - shrinking all the time!Mostly: Grid Squares, Hectads and Myriads (100 x 100 Squares).
Fully: Hectads (10 x 10 Squares) - including Large Mosaic!
Graph: Gridsquares, Hectad, County and Country Coverage
Past activity
Graphs: Images Submitted by Number of Contributors.Monthly breakdown: Submissions, Date Taken, User Signups, Forum Posts and Change Suggestions.
Hourly and weekday breakdown: Submissions, Date Taken, User Signups and Forum Posts.
Most in a day: Submissions, Images Taken, Users and Forum Posts (Users,Topics).
Yearly saturation: Submissions, Images Taken and Forum Posts.
Forum topic leaderboards: Most Popular Threads and By Thumbnails Used