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TF0207 : Church of St John the Baptist, Stamford by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St John the Baptist, Stamford by Alan Murray-Rust
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15th century font, finely decorated, with 17th century cover.
Tags: period:15th Century   period:C.1450X   Church FontX   top:City, Town CentreX   type:Close LookX   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   type:InsideX   former:Parish ChurchX   style:PerpendicularX   top:Religious SitesX  
TF0207 : Church of St John the Baptist, Stamford by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St John the Baptist, Stamford by Alan Murray-Rust
for square TF0207
15th century rood screen between south aisle and south chapel.
TF0207 : Church of St John the Baptist, Stamford by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St John the Baptist, Stamford by Alan Murray-Rust
for square TF0207
15th century former rood screen re-sited between chancel and south chapel.
SK7775 : Church of St Peter, East Drayton by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Peter, East Drayton by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK7775
The interior of the church seen through a north aisle window. The south aisle... (more)
TG4010 : Church of St Edmund Acle by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Edmund Acle by Alan Murray-Rust
for square TG4010
View west from the sanctuary with the 15th century screen and choir stalls... (more)
TF0207 : Church of St John the Baptist, Stamford by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St John the Baptist, Stamford by Alan Murray-Rust
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Brass memorial to Nicholas Beldrydon and his wife Katerin, dated 1489. They are... (more)
TF0207 : Church of St John the Baptist, Stamford by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St John the Baptist, Stamford by Alan Murray-Rust
for square TF0207
View into the chancel roof – cambered tie beams with king posts and ornate panel... (more)
TF0207 : Church of St John the Baptist, Stamford by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St John the Baptist, Stamford by Alan Murray-Rust
for square TF0207
General view of the nave roof. See Link for... (more)
TF0207 : Church of St John the Baptist, Stamford by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St John the Baptist, Stamford by Alan Murray-Rust
for square TF0207
South aisle roof with angel holding 'Te Deum' scroll. See... (more)
TF0207 : Church of St John the Baptist, Stamford by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St John the Baptist, Stamford by Alan Murray-Rust
for square TF0207
Nave looking east.
TF0207 : Church of St John the Baptist, Stamford by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St John the Baptist, Stamford by Alan Murray-Rust
for square TF0207
Detail of angel, interpreted as being either Seraph or Cherub. See... (more)
SK7775 : Church of St Peter, East Drayton by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Peter, East Drayton by Alan Murray-Rust
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The 15th century porch.
SK7775 : Church of St Peter, East Drayton by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Peter, East Drayton by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK7775
The 15th century tower from the south.
SK7064 : Church of St Bartholomew, Kneesall by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Bartholomew, Kneesall by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK7064
View from the north west. See below for details. The chancel remains... (more)
TG4010 : Church of St Edmund Acle by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Edmund Acle by Alan Murray-Rust
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The north side of the church. The 15th century porch now forms the normal... (more)
TG4010 : Church of St Edmund Acle by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Edmund Acle by Alan Murray-Rust
for square TG4010
Rector's seat. The arm rests are 15th century, neatly incorporated into the... (more)
TG4010 : Church of St Edmund Acle by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Edmund Acle by Alan Murray-Rust
for square TG4010
Pietà on the font, early 15th century.
SK9136 : Church of St Wulfram, Grantham by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Wulfram, Grantham by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK9136
Detail of the elaborately carved 15th century Perpendicular font. This has 8... (more)
SK7288 : Church of St Peter, Clayworth by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Peter, Clayworth by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK7288
North nave arcade, 13th century, (possibly late 12th), with Norman north doorway... (more)
SK7288 : Church of St Peter, Clayworth by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Peter, Clayworth by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK7288
South nave arcade, 13th century, with 14th century south aisle windows and 15th... (more)
SK7288 : Church of St Peter, Clayworth by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Peter, Clayworth by Alan Murray-Rust
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Corbel with lady's head. The eastern stop of the 15th century arch between... (more)
SK7288 : Church of St Peter, Clayworth by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Peter, Clayworth by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK7288
Mural between the chancel arcade arches, north side. This depicts an angel choir... (more)
SK7288 : Church of St Peter, Clayworth by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Peter, Clayworth by Alan Murray-Rust
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Early 15th century grave slab under the tower.
SK7775 : Church of St Peter, East Drayton by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Peter, East Drayton by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK7775
Seen from the green with the lych gate in the foreground.
SK7775 : Church of St Peter, East Drayton by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Peter, East Drayton by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK7775
The north side of the church. The extra buttresses of the north aisle can just... (more)
SK7775 : Church of St Peter, East Drayton by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Peter, East Drayton by Alan Murray-Rust
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Ribbed vaulting in the porch.
SK7775 : Church of St Peter, East Drayton by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Peter, East Drayton by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK7775
Image niche and damaged holy water stoup in the porch.
SK7775 : Church of St Peter, East Drayton by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Peter, East Drayton by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK7775
The view from the south west.
SK7761 : Church of St Laurence, Norwell by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Laurence, Norwell by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK7761
The lower three stages are 13th century, the bell chamber being added in the... (more)
TG4010 : Church of St Edmund Acle by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Edmund Acle by Alan Murray-Rust
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Rood loft staircase turret on the south side, Tudor period.
TG4010 : Church of St Edmund Acle by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Edmund Acle by Alan Murray-Rust
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The west tower.
TG4010 : Church of St Edmund Acle by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Edmund Acle by Alan Murray-Rust
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The north porch. Decorative flint infill work, Perpendicular period.
TG4010 : Church of St Edmund Acle by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Edmund Acle by Alan Murray-Rust
for square TG4010
General view of the font from the south. On the bowl St Mark (L) and angel with... (more)
SE6051 : All Saints, North Street - spire by Stephen Craven All Saints, North Street - spire by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE6051
The spire of this grade I listed church is late 15th century.
SK3616 : Church of St Helen, Ashby-de-la-Zouch by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Helen, Ashby-de-la-Zouch by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK3616
View from the churchyard entrance on South Street. 15th century Perpendicular... (more)
SK3616 : Church of St Helen, Ashby-de-la-Zouch by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Helen, Ashby-de-la-Zouch by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3616
The Pilgrim's Monument in the north aisle. The effigy is probably late 15th... (more)
SK3616 : Church of St Helen, Ashby-de-la-Zouch by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Helen, Ashby-de-la-Zouch by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3616
West end of the nave showing the 15th century roof and the Royal coat of arms.
SK3616 : Church of St Helen, Ashby-de-la-Zouch by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Helen, Ashby-de-la-Zouch by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3616
The inner south aisle looking towards the Hastings Chapel. The roof is the... (more)
SK3616 : Church of St Helen, Ashby-de-la-Zouch by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Helen, Ashby-de-la-Zouch by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3616
Detail of one of the 15th century nave columns.
SK3616 : Church of St Helen, Ashby-de-la-Zouch by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Helen, Ashby-de-la-Zouch by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3616
North side arcades and aisles. The nearer arches are late 15th century perpendicular.
SK3616 : Church of St Helen, Ashby-de-la-Zouch by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Helen, Ashby-de-la-Zouch by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3616
The nave looking east. Late 15th century arcades and chancel arch with panelled... (more)
SK9136 : Church of St Wulfram, Grantham by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Wulfram, Grantham by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK9136
Side window of Corpus Christi Chapel, Perpendicular c.1450.
SK9136 : Church of St Wulfram, Grantham by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Wulfram, Grantham by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK9136
Stairhead to the Crypt. The straight lines of the Perpendicular tracery contrast... (more)
SK8632 : Church of St Andrew, Denton by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Andrew, Denton by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK8632
15th century Perpendicular style font with lion masks and rosettes on the bowl.
SK8632 : Church of St Andrew, Denton by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Andrew, Denton by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK8632
The ornate 15th century 3-seat sedilia with adjoining piscina to the left,... (more)
SK8632 : Church of St Andrew, Denton by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Andrew, Denton by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK8632
The nave looking east. This was taken close to sunset and the church was very... (more)
SK8632 : Church of St Andrew, Denton by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Andrew, Denton by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK8632
The 5-stage tower, 15th century in Perpendicular style, is particularly fine.... (more)
SK7243 : Church of St Wilfrid, Screveton by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Wilfrid, Screveton by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK7243
This compact church is largely of 13th century date, although an earlier church... (more)
SP3279 : 163-171 Spon Street, 1979 by FCG 163-171 Spon Street, 1979 by FCG
geograph for square SP3279
Spon Street was numbered consecutively from its junction with Queen Victoria... (more)
SE4833 : Church of All Saints, Sherburn in Elmet by Alan Murray-Rust Church of All Saints, Sherburn in Elmet by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SE4833
General view from the south east.
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