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Showing latest 50 of 275 images tagged with 1GL tag.

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G6935 : Bench Mark, Sligo Marshalsea by Rossographer Bench Mark, Sligo Marshalsea by Rossographer
for square G6935
Bench mark on the eastern wall of the former Sligo Marshalsea G6935 : Sligo Marshalsea.... (more)
G4333 : Bench Mark, Dromore West by Rossographer Bench Mark, Dromore West by Rossographer
for square G4333
Bench mark on the east wall of the door of St Mary's, Kilmacshalgan, at... (more)
NY5130 : Benchmark, St. Andrew's Church by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, St. Andrew's Church by Adrian Taylor
for square NY5130
Detail of the Ordnance Survey 1GL Published Abstract Bolt benchmark on the... (more)
NX4065 : Penninghame Church of St John 1GL Bolt Mark by Jon Alexander Penninghame Church of St John 1GL Bolt Mark by Jon Alexander
for square NX4065
The 1GL bolt mark is to the right of the front door of NX4065 : Penninghame Church of St John, for more... (more)
NY1353 : Benchmark, St. Paul's Church by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, St. Paul's Church by Adrian Taylor
for square NY1353
Detail of the Ordnance Survey benchmark on the south west corner buttress of St.... (more)
NY2649 : Benchmark on south face of south pier of east parapet of railway bridge south of Dockray by Roger Templeman Benchmark on south face of south pier of east parapet of railway bridge south of Dockray by Roger Templeman
for square NY2649
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 27.024m above Newlyn Datum... (more)
SD5193 : Benchmark on NE face of St Thomas's Church by Roger Templeman Benchmark on NE face of St Thomas's Church by Roger Templeman
for square SD5193
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 51.767m verified 1971. The mark... (more)
SD9950 : Benchmark on south face of Horse Close Bridge by Roger Templeman Benchmark on south face of Horse Close Bridge by Roger Templeman
for square SD9950
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 348.840 feet above Liverpool... (more)
NY2623 : Benchmark on the tower of St John's Church by Roger Templeman Benchmark on the tower of St John's Church by Roger Templeman
for square NY2623
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 97.442m above Newlyn Datum in... (more)
SD9949 : Benchmark on SW face of arch of Snaygill Bridge over Leeds & Liverpool Canal by Roger Templeman Benchmark on SW face of arch of Snaygill Bridge over Leeds & Liverpool Canal by Roger Templeman
for square SD9949
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 348.916 feet above Liverpool... (more)
NY1230 : Benchmark on buttress of All Saints' Church by Roger Templeman Benchmark on buttress of All Saints' Church by Roger Templeman
for square NY1230
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 55.510m above Newlyn Datum... (more)
NY1130 : Benchmark on south face of United Reformed Church by Roger Templeman Benchmark on south face of United Reformed Church by Roger Templeman
for square NY1130
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 44.772m above Newlyn Datum... (more)
SD5192 : Benchmark on north face of buttress on west face of Holy Trinity Church by Roger Templeman Benchmark on north face of buttress on west face of Holy Trinity Church by Roger Templeman
for square SD5192
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 45.430m above Newlyn Datum... (more)
SD8358 : Benchmark on tower buttress of St Mary's Church by Roger Templeman Benchmark on tower buttress of St Mary's Church by Roger Templeman
for square SD8358
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 153.464m above Newlyn Datum... (more)
NY7064 : Benchmark on Holy Cross Church by Roger Templeman Benchmark on Holy Cross Church by Roger Templeman
for square NY7064
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 121.923m above Newlyn Datum... (more)
SE2635 : Benchmark on buttress on SW corner of tower of St Stephen's Church by Roger Templeman Benchmark on buttress on SW corner of tower of St Stephen's Church by Roger Templeman
for square SE2635
1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 205.144 feet above Liverpool Datum during the... (more)
NZ2751 : Benchmark on buttress on west face of St Mary and St Cuthbert Church by Roger Templeman Benchmark on buttress on west face of St Mary and St Cuthbert Church by Roger Templeman
for square NZ2751
1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 21.879m above Newlyn Datum verified 1962. It was... (more)
NY7913 : Benchmark on north face of tower of St Michael's Church by Roger Templeman Benchmark on north face of tower of St Michael's Church by Roger Templeman
for square NY7913
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 177.202m above Newlyn Datum... (more)
NY3168 : Benchmark on Gretna Old Parish Church by Roger Templeman Benchmark on Gretna Old Parish Church by Roger Templeman
for square NY3168
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 30.145m above Newlyn Datum,... (more)
NY8464 : Benchmark on St Cuthbert's Church by Roger Templeman Benchmark on St Cuthbert's Church by Roger Templeman
for square NY8464
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 64.535m above Newlyn Datum... (more)
SD5192 : Benchmark on Holy Trinity/St George's RC Church by Roger Templeman Benchmark on Holy Trinity/St George's RC Church by Roger Templeman
for square SD5192
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 44.300m above Newlyn Datum... (more)
NY4744 : Old benchmark on St Mary's Church by Roger Templeman Old benchmark on St Mary's Church by Roger Templeman
for square NY4744
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 148.870m above Newlyn Datum... (more)
NY4352 : Benchmark on Relton's Bridge by Roger Templeman Benchmark on Relton's Bridge by Roger Templeman
for square NY4352
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 35.092m above Newlyn Datum... (more)
NY5130 : Benchmark on tower of St Andrew's Church by Roger Templeman Benchmark on tower of St Andrew's Church by Roger Templeman
for square NY5130
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark described on the Bench Mark Database at... (more)
SY4292 : 1GL Bolt: Chideock, St Giles Church by Brian Westlake 1GL Bolt: Chideock, St Giles Church by Brian Westlake
for square SY4292
All that remains of a cut mark with bolt on Chideock, St Giles' church. The... (more)
SE0640 : South face of Keighley Shared Church by Roger Templeman South face of Keighley Shared Church by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SE0640
Ordnance Survey documents indicate that a benchmark was levelled at 366.200 feet... (more)
SD3778 : Benchmark, Cartmel, Priory Church of St. Mary by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Cartmel, Priory Church of St. Mary by Adrian Taylor
for square SD3778
Detail of the Ordnance Survey published abstract bolt benchmark on the south... (more)
NZ2464 : Benchmark, St. Thomas' Church by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, St. Thomas' Church by Adrian Taylor
for square NZ2464
Detail of the Ordnance Survey 1GL Published Abstract Bolt benchmark on the west... (more)
NY3368 : View towards Plumpe Farm from road at England/Scotland border by Roger Templeman View towards Plumpe Farm from road at England/Scotland border by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY3368
Ordnance Survey records indicate that the Sark Bridge Tollhouse was on the left... (more)
SN1745 : Ordnance Survey Benchmark and Bolt - Cardigan Bridge by N Scott Ordnance Survey Benchmark and Bolt - Cardigan Bridge by N Scott
for square SN1745
Ordnance Survey Benchmark (OSBM) used for levelling height above Ordnance Datum... (more)
SN1745 : Ordnance Survey Benchmark and Bolt - Cardigan Bridge by N Scott Ordnance Survey Benchmark and Bolt - Cardigan Bridge by N Scott
for square SN1745
Ordnance Survey Benchmark (OSBM) used for levelling height above Ordnance Datum... (more)
SN1745 : Ordnance Survey Benchmark and Bolt - Cardigan, Shire Hall by N Scott Ordnance Survey Benchmark and Bolt - Cardigan, Shire Hall by N Scott
for square SN1745
Ordnance Survey Benchmark (OSBM) used for levelling height above Ordnance Datum... (more)
SN1745 : Ordnance Survey Benchmark and Bolt - Cardigan, Shire Hall by N Scott Ordnance Survey Benchmark and Bolt - Cardigan, Shire Hall by N Scott
for square SN1745
Ordnance Survey Benchmark (OSBM) used for levelling height above Ordnance Datum... (more)
SN5979 : Ordnance Survey Benchmark - Aberystwyth, Southgate by N Scott Ordnance Survey Benchmark - Aberystwyth, Southgate by N Scott
for square SN5979
Ordnance Survey Benchmark (OSBM) used for levelling height above Ordnance Datum... (more)
SN5979 : Ordnance Survey Benchmark - Aberystwyth, Southgate by N Scott Ordnance Survey Benchmark - Aberystwyth, Southgate by N Scott
for square SN5979
Ordnance Survey Benchmark (OSBM) used for levelling height above Ordnance Datum... (more)
NY2548 : Cut slot on south face of Wigton Windmill by Roger Templeman Cut slot on south face of Wigton Windmill by Roger Templeman
for square NY2548
Looking for an Ordnance Survey benchmark levelled at 71.026 feet above Liverpool... (more)
SE0641 : A650/A6035/B6265 roundabout by Roger Templeman A650/A6035/B6265 roundabout by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SE0641
An Ordnance Survey benchmark was levelled at 307.063 feet above Liverpool Datum... (more)
SD9044 : Benchmark on SW corner of the tower of St Mary's Church by Roger Templeman Benchmark on SW corner of the tower of St Mary's Church by Roger Templeman
for square SD9044
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 149.626m above Newlyn Datum verified 1962
SD8948 : Benchmark on west face of tower of St Mary-le-Ghyll Church by Roger Templeman Benchmark on west face of tower of St Mary-le-Ghyll Church by Roger Templeman
for square SD8948
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 163.501m above Newlyn Datum verified 1962
SD9048 : Benchmark on west face of the tower of St Mary's Church 5 feet above ground by Roger Templeman Benchmark on west face of the tower of St Mary's Church 5 feet above ground by Roger Templeman
for square SD9048
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 155.613m above Newlyn Datum verified 1962
SD8848 : Benchmark on arch of Leeds and Liverpool Canal Bridge 157 by Roger Templeman Benchmark on arch of Leeds and Liverpool Canal Bridge 157 by Roger Templeman
for square SD8848
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 147.173m above Newlyn Datum verified 1962
SD5093 : Old milestone on verge on NW side of A5284 outside Aireys Folly by Roger Templeman Old milestone on verge on NW side of A5284 outside Aireys Folly by Roger Templeman
for square SD5093
The milestone shows 1 mile to Kendal SD5093 : Windermere Road heading into Kendal and 7½ miles to Windermere... (more)
SE1238 : Old benchmark on east face of arch of Dowley Gap Bridge by Roger Templeman Old benchmark on east face of arch of Dowley Gap Bridge by Roger Templeman
for square SE1238
Cancelled Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark shown on the 25" 1892-1914 Map... (more)
NY3050 : Benchmark on wall on south side of A596 at Low Whinnow Farm by Roger Templeman Benchmark on wall on south side of A596 at Low Whinnow Farm by Roger Templeman
for square NY3050
1GL bolt benchmark with levelling information at NY3050 : Barn conversion at Low Whinnow
NY2548 : Wigton windmill by Roger Templeman Wigton windmill by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY2548
Ordnance Survey documents indicate that a benchmark was levelled at 71.026 feet... (more)
SD6827 : Benchmark on west porch of Cathedral Church by Roger Templeman Benchmark on west porch of Cathedral Church by Roger Templeman
for square SD6827
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 113.538m above Newlyn Datum in 1961
SD7644 : Benchmark on southern parapet on Chatburn Bridge by Roger Templeman Benchmark on southern parapet on Chatburn Bridge by Roger Templeman
for square SD7644
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 92.678m above Newlyn Datum verified 1968
SD7644 : Benchmark on tower of Christ Church by Roger Templeman Benchmark on tower of Christ Church by Roger Templeman
for square SD7644
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark levelled at 99.837m above Newlyn Datum verified 1962
SE3033 : Burger King and McDonald's on Boar Lane at Briggate junction by Roger Templeman Burger King and McDonald's on Boar Lane at Briggate junction by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SE3033
Ordnance Survey documents indicate that a benchmark was levelled at 111.874 on a... (more)
SE0489 : Blocked doorway on south face of farm building on north side of A684 by Roger Templeman Blocked doorway on south face of farm building on north side of A684 by Roger Templeman
for square SE0489
The lintel has a date (1773) and initials JS carved on it I suspect this is the... (more)
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