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SD8303 : Heaton Park Tramway, Blackpool Brush Car 623/286 by David Dixon Heaton Park Tramway, Blackpool Brush Car 623/286 by David Dixon
geograph for square SD8303
Former Blackpool Corporation tram number 286 climbs the incline after passing... (more)
SD8304 : Blackpool Brush Car 623/286 at Heaton Park by David Dixon Blackpool Brush Car 623/286 at Heaton Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SD8304
Built in Loughborough by the Brush Electrical Engineering Company, car 286... (more)
SD8303 : Heaton Park Tramway Museum by David Dixon Heaton Park Tramway Museum by David Dixon
geograph for square SD8303
Former Blackpool Corporation tram number 286 passes the tramway museum in Heaton... (more)
SD8303 : Historic Blackpool Trams at Heaton Park by David Dixon Historic Blackpool Trams at Heaton Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SD8303
Three of Heaton Park Tramway's historic Blackpool trams lined up at the... (more)
SD8303 : Two Blackpool Trams at Heaton Park by David Dixon Two Blackpool Trams at Heaton Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SD8303
Two of the tramway's preserved trams standing at the Lakeside terminus... (more)
SD8303 : Blackpool Themed Weekend at Heaton Park Tramway by David Dixon Blackpool Themed Weekend at Heaton Park Tramway by David Dixon
geograph for square SD8303
Two of the tramway's preserved trams standing at the Lakeside terminus... (more)
SD8303 : Blackpool Trams at Heaton Park by David Dixon Blackpool Trams at Heaton Park by David Dixon
for square SD8303
Two ex-Blackpool trams at the museum stop in Heaton Park. On the left, 619 is... (more)
SD8303 : End of the Day at Heaton Park Tramway by David Dixon End of the Day at Heaton Park Tramway by David Dixon
geograph for square SD8303
Four of Heaton Park Tramway's historic Blackpool trams lined up for... (more)
SD8303 : Blackpool Tram Line-Up at Heaton park by David Dixon Blackpool Tram Line-Up at Heaton park by David Dixon
for square SD8303
Three of Heaton Park Tramway's historic Blackpool trams lined up at the... (more)
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