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TQ2478 : St Paul's Studios, Talgarth Road, London W14 by Christopher Hilton St Paul's Studios, Talgarth Road, London W14 by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TQ2478
A run of buildings designed purposely to be artists' studios, with large... (more)
TR0358 : Grain Store Studio, Brenley Farm, near Boughton-under-Blean by Chris Whippet Grain Store Studio, Brenley Farm, near Boughton-under-Blean by Chris Whippet
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Artist studio and community based on a working farm.
NT2576 : Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop by M J Richardson Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop by M J Richardson
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A new facility, completed in 2015, providing production, exhibition and studio... (more)
TR0816 : Path to an artist's studio at Dungeness by Marathon Path to an artist's studio at Dungeness by Marathon
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There is nowhere else like Dungeness. It is unique with its shingle and plants,... (more)
TR0916 : Artist's studio at Dungeness by Marathon Artist's studio at Dungeness by Marathon
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People either love Dungeness or hate it but on a day like this there is nowhere... (more)
TR0916 : Artist's studio at Dungeness by Marathon Artist's studio at Dungeness by Marathon
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People either love Dungeness or hate it but on a day like this there is nowhere... (more)
TR0816 : Entrance to an artist's studio at Dungeness by Marathon Entrance to an artist's studio at Dungeness by Marathon
geograph for square TR0816
There is nowhere else like Dungeness. It is unique with its shingle and plants,... (more)
TR0816 : An artist's studio at Dungeness by Marathon An artist's studio at Dungeness by Marathon
geograph for square TR0816
There is nowhere else like Dungeness. It is unique with its shingle and plants,... (more)
TR0816 : Entrance to an artist's studio, Dungeness by Marathon Entrance to an artist's studio, Dungeness by Marathon
geograph for square TR0816
There is nowhere else like Dungeness. It is unique with its shingle and plants,... (more)
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
A green 'pod' in daylight. When the artists are in residence the pods... (more)
HY2508 : Hellihole Road, Stromness, Orkney by Claire Pegrum Hellihole Road, Stromness, Orkney by Claire Pegrum
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When I first saw the road name I thought it was rather harsh as the road seemed... (more)
Tags: Artists Studios   top:City, Town CentreX   type:GeographX   top:IslandsX   place:OrkneyX   subject:RoadX   building type:StudiosX   StudiosX  
TQ3179 : Make Space Studios Newnham Terrace, Lambeth by PAUL FARMER Make Space Studios Newnham Terrace, Lambeth by PAUL FARMER
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Make Space Studios is a community of established as well as up and coming... (more)
J5081 : "Project 24", Queen's Parade, Bangor (2013-1) by Albert Bridge "Project 24", Queen's Parade, Bangor (2013-1) by Albert Bridge
for square J5081
See the shared descriptions (below).
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
Green and purple pods bathed in evening sunlight. This view includes part of the... (more)
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
View of the backs of the yellow, pink and purple 'pods'. Derelict... (more)
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
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View of the back of a purple 'pod' towards the derelict property on... (more)
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
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View of the back of a green 'pod' towards the derelict property on The... (more)
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
The pods at night. I know that they are very colourful, but a black and white... (more)
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
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A green 'pod' at night. Queen's Parade is on the left.
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
Two of the pink 'pods' at night. Queen's Parade is on the right.
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
Two of the pink 'pods' at night. Two car parks are immediately behind.
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
Two of the green 'pods' at night. Queen's Parade is to the left.
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
Two of the pink 'pods' at night.
TQ3382 : Old Tube stock on former North London Railway track bed by Rod Grealish Old Tube stock on former North London Railway track bed by Rod Grealish
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The old Tube stock is on the former North London Railway track bed into Broad... (more)
NH9022 : Carrbridge Artists Studio by Jim Barton Carrbridge Artists Studio by Jim Barton
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A studio on the main street, featuring sculptures, pottery and jewellery.
SH7882 : Tedder House by Gerald England Tedder House by Gerald England
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From 1963 until 2004 26, Augusta Street on the corner of Trinity Avenue housed... (more)
Tags: date:1894X   date:1963X   date:2004X   date:2007X   person:Arthur TedderX   Artists StudioX   top:City, Town CentreX   type:GeographX   former:HotelX   Royal Airforce AssociationX   School of ArtX   top:Sport, LeisureX  
SH7882 : Tedder House/Haus of Helfa by Gerald England Tedder House/Haus of Helfa by Gerald England
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From 1963 until 2004 26, Augusta Street on the corner of Trinity Avenue housed... (more)
TQ3179 : Railway tracks and artists' studios in Lambeth by David Smith Railway tracks and artists' studios in Lambeth by David Smith
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Just outside Waterloo station, the rooftop sign advertises STU_IOS. Another view... (more)
SX9688 : Marine Artist Studio in Topsham by Jaggery Marine Artist Studio in Topsham by Jaggery
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At 57 Fore Street.
SS3523 : Bucks Cabin, Buck's Mills by Stephen McKay Bucks Cabin, Buck's Mills by Stephen McKay
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On the way down to the beach is this cabin used from the 1920s by two artists,... (more)
NR7993 : Maintaining The Wagon by Patrick Mackie Maintaining The Wagon by Patrick Mackie
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The Wagon is the studio of the artist Fraser MacIver, who lives and works on the... (more)
TQ3090 : Chocolate Factory, no. 1, Wood Green by Jim Osley Chocolate Factory, no. 1, Wood Green by Jim Osley
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One of a complex of buildings housing artists studios on the site of... (more)
NX6851 : The old station, Kirkcudbright by Adrian Taylor The old station, Kirkcudbright by Adrian Taylor
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Kirkcudbright Station lost its railway passenger service with effect from 3 May... (more)
NT1985 : Former Aberdour signal box by Oliver Dixon Former Aberdour signal box by Oliver Dixon
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A number of redundant railway buildings in the area, of which this signal box is... (more)
NT1985 : Aberdour Station footbridge and signal box by Oliver Dixon Aberdour Station footbridge and signal box by Oliver Dixon
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A number of redundant railway buildings in the area, of which this signal box is... (more)
SJ8498 : Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art by Gerald England Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art by Gerald England
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The Grade II listed... (more)
NO3930 : Meadow Mill, West Henderson's Wynd, Dundee by Chris Allen Meadow Mill, West Henderson's Wynd, Dundee by Chris Allen
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An 1874, 5 storey fireproof mill by Urquhart Lindsay, Blackness Foundry. Former... (more)
Tags: Artists Studios   place:DundeeX   Former Jute MillX   type:GeographX   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   top:IndustryX   subject:MillX  
NY2596 : Rennaldburn Art House by Oliver Dixon Rennaldburn Art House by Oliver Dixon
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Old farmhouse, now self-catering accommodation and artist's studio.
NT2576 : Concrete Antenna at ESW by M J Richardson Concrete Antenna at ESW by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2576
An interactive sound installation at the Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop... (more)
SJ8990 : Marketplace Studios by Gerald England Marketplace Studios by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ8990
The latest occupant of this mock-Tudor faced building is Marketplace Studios. It... (more)
NT2676 : Coburg House, Leith by M J Richardson Coburg House, Leith by M J Richardson
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Artists studios and gallery on Coburg Street, an Edinburgh Fringe festival Venue... (more)
TQ3179 : Pelham Mission Hall, Lambeth Walk by PAUL FARMER Pelham Mission Hall, Lambeth Walk by PAUL FARMER
geograph for square TQ3179
The building states it is now the Henry Moore Sculpture Studio
TQ4551 : Chartwell House and grounds by Robin Drayton Chartwell House and grounds by Robin Drayton
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Viewed from beside the studio which contains many of Sir Winston... (more)
HU4039 : Scalloway Harbour by Stephen McKay Scalloway Harbour by Stephen McKay
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Looking across the harbour from New Street with the Booth, a facility for... (more)
HU4039 : The Booth, Scalloway by Stephen McKay The Booth, Scalloway by Stephen McKay
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This curious building overlooking Scalloway Harbour was built in 2001 by the... (more)
SX9256 : Brixham Artists Corner by Gordon Griffiths Brixham Artists Corner by Gordon Griffiths
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The view on the Harbour.
Tags: ArtX   Artists Studios   ArtworkX   place:BrixhamX   top:CoastalX   place:DevonX   HarbourX  
NR7993 : Thanks for reading by Patrick Mackie Thanks for reading by Patrick Mackie
for square NR7993
A container for leaflets for the artist on the opposite bank of the Crinan Canal.
Tags: Artists Studios   top:CanalsX   canal:CrinanX   Crinan CanalX  
SH7882 : Tedder House by Gerald England Tedder House by Gerald England
geograph for square SH7882
From 1963 until 2004 26, Augusta Street on the corner of Trinity Avenue housed... (more)
Tags: date:1894X   date:1963X   date:2004X   date:2007X   person:Arthur TedderX   Artists StudioX   top:City, Town CentreX   former:HotelX   Royal Airforce AssociationX   School of ArtX  
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