Eagle and Sheep at Dunconbe Park
by David Dixon
for square SE6083
An eagle flying over some sheep grazing at Duncombe Park. The sheep are not in... (more)
Fish Eagle
by David Dixon
for square SE6083
Fish eagles or sea eagles, as their name suggests, hunt mainly over open water.... (more)
Beating the Wind
by David Dixon
for square SE6083
The common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) is also known as the European kestrel or... (more)
Verreaux's Eagle at the National Centre for Birds of Prey
by David Dixon
for square SE6083
The Verreaux's eagle (Aquila verreauxii) is not native to the UK, it lives... (more)
Brown Wood Owl in Duncombe Park
by David Dixon
for square SE6083
A brown wood owl (Strix leptogrammica) taking part in the flying display at the... (more)
A charm of goldfinches (Carduelis carduelis)
by Rob Farrow
for square TQ0207
Four goldfinches peck at food in a bird-feeder at Arundel Wetland Centre,... (more)
A Bird in the Hand
by David Dixon
for square SE6083
Zonda, a Grey Buzzard Eagle alights on its handler's glove. Part of the... (more)
Grey Buzzard Eagle in Flight
by David Dixon
for square SE6083
Zonda, a Grey Buzzard Eagle taking part in the flying demonstration at the... (more)
Eagle on a Block Perch at the National Centre for Birds of Prey
by David Dixon
for square SE6083
The birds at the centre have different types of perches according to what suits... (more)
Harris Hawk on a Bow Perch at the National Centre for Birds of Prey
by David Dixon
for square SE6083
The birds at the centre have different types of perches according to what suits... (more)
Barn Owl in Flight, NCBP
by David Dixon
for square SE6083
The barn owl (Tyto alba) is the most widely distributed species of owl and one... (more)
Eagle Mobbed by Crows
by David Dixon
for square SE6083
'Mobbing' is a behaviour that birds engage in to defend themselves or... (more)
Eagle in Flight at NCBP
by David Dixon
for square SE6083
Carlton, a two-year old African Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer), soars above the... (more)
Burrowing Owl at NCBP
by David Dixon
for square SE6083
This tiny Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia)... (more)
Winter Burrowing Owl
by David Dixon
for square SE6083
This tiny Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia)... (more)
Flying Display at NCBP - Barn Owl
by David Dixon
for square SE6083
A barn owl returning to its handler's glove in front of a crowd of spectators.
Eurasian Buzzard
by David Dixon
for square SE6083
Barn Owl at the National Centre for Birds of Prey
by David Dixon
for square SE6083
Lanner Falcon, National Centre for Birds of Prey
by David Dixon
for square SE6083
A Lanner Falcon (Falco biarmicus) on its handler's glove.
African Fish Eagle
by David Dixon
for square SE6083
A closer look at Carlton, the two year old Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer) at... (more)
Eagle in a Tree
by David Dixon
for square SE6083
An African Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer) pauses in a tree at Duncombe Park. A... (more)
White Tailed Sea Eagle flies to its nest with fish
by Rob Farrow
for square NG5142
Category: Birds
Sea Eagle with fish
by Rob Farrow
for square NG5142
Category: Birds
This White Tailed Sea Eagle had just dived to pluck this fish from the sea off... (more)
Nest, Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3575
Hooded crow... (more)
White Tailed Sea Eagle overhead off Udairn
by Rob Farrow
for square NG5142
Category: Birds
I photographed this magnificent bird as it flew near our boat just before... (more)
Dead heron / Corra-ghritheach mharbh
by Tiger
for square NG2149
Category: Birds
In the park beside the road to Colbost jetty.
Lunch for a little bird
by Gerald England
for square SJ9594
This little bird seems to have caught a tasteful morsel in the form of a... (more)
Hungry Starlings
by David Dixon
for square SD7807
A group of starlings around a bird feeder.
Starlings are conspicuous and... (more)
Guillemots (Uria aalge)
by Ian Capper
for square NU2337
A group of Guillemots (Uria aalge) on Staple Island, with a Razorbill (Alca... (more)
Birds at Beadnell Bay
by Alan Murray-Rust
for square NU2227
Three species of gull, mainly Common Gull, with some Black-headed far left and... (more)
Guillemots (Uria aalge)
by Anne Burgess
for square NO7047
I was quite shocked to see how few birds are nesting on the cliffs around Red... (more)
by David Dixon
for square SD7407
A Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) standing on the edge of Bolton arm of the... (more)
Heron at Moses Gate
by David Dixon
for square SD7407
A Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) standing on the edge of Bolton arm of the... (more)
Bird Feeder, Moses Gate Country Park
by David Dixon
for square SD7406
The Bird Hide, in the grounds of the Rock Hall Visitor Centre SD7406 : Rock Hall,... ( more)
Jackdaws in the garden
by M J Richardson
for square NT2470
These small members of the Crow family [Corvus monedula] are by far the most... (more)
Gannetry at Troup Head
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ8267
Some 2000 pairs of Gannets (Morus bassanus, formerly Sula bassana) nest on Troup... (more)
Black Guillemot, Bangor
by Rossographer
for square J5082
Black guillemot in winter plumage (although the wing feathers appear to be... (more)
Sea Eagle prepares to dive for fish
by Rob Farrow
for square NG5142
Category: Birds
Not fantastic focus and admittedly no geographical information in this photo,... (more)
World of Wedgwood, with heron
by Jonathan Hutchins
geograph for square SJ8839
The World of Wedgwood complex is in the background: official website... (more)
Gannet nests, Hare's Nose
by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square NJ8267
Part of the RSPB Troup Head reserve. A careful look will show a handful of... (more)
Open Wide!
by David Dixon
for square SD7807
A juvenile starling being fed by its parent.
Starlings are conspicuous and... (more)
Sturnus vulgaris, Common Starling
by David Dixon
for square SD7807
Starlings are conspicuous and widespread in the UK, occurring everywhere except... (more)
Goldfinch on a feeder at Martin Mere
by David Dixon
for square SD4213
A number of feeding stations have been installed in the area outside the Janet... (more)
Feeding amongst the berries
by David Dixon
for square SD4213
A number of feeding stations have been installed in the area outside the Janet... (more)
Feeding Time
by David Dixon
for square SD2161
Pied Wagtail (Motacilla alba)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3461
This was one of several birds perching on boulders in the River Spey.
Mallard (Anas platyrhyncos)
by Anne Burgess
for square NT2676
Two Mallard drakes making rapid progress on the Water of Leith.
Milo, the Harris Hawk, at Shropshire Falconry
by David Dixon
for square SJ5031
Milo, the Harris Hawk, taking part in a flying display over the fields behind... (more)
Harris Hawk in Flight
by David Dixon
for square SJ5031
Milo, the Harris Hawk, taking part in a flying display over the fields behind... (more)
Shags, Belfast harbour (November 2018)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3576
Shags (or possibly cormorants) off the Alexandra Wharf. After watching this... (more)