Punting on the Cam, from the Silver Street bridge
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Here Queens' College straddles the river, its two parts united by the... (more)
Punting on the Cam, from the Silver Street bridge
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Here Queens' College straddles the river, its two parts united by the... (more)
Punting on the Cam, from the Silver Street bridge
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Here Queens' College straddles the river, its two parts united by the... (more)
Bridge over the River Cam, north of Audley End
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL5238
The track here skirts the northern wall of Audley End's home park; the... (more)
January punting, Cambridge
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Even a few days after New Year, one or two tourists are available to be punted... (more)
Cambridge: River Cam, looking upstream from King's College
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Cambridge: River Cam, looking downstream from Garret Hostel Bridge
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Cambridge: River Cam, looking downstream from King's College
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Cambridge: looking upstream at Garret Hostel Bridge
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Trinity Punts are based at this bridge, and the river is a chaotic mass of... (more)
Cambridge: King's College and the Backs
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Cambridge: River Cam, looking upstream from King's College
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Buildings by the River Cam
by Steven Haslington
geograph for square TL4459
Buildings fronting the banks of the River Cam in central Cambridge, England.
Clare Bridge, Clare College
by Lauren
geograph for square TL4458
Punting on The River Cam near Clare Bridge
by Sandra Humphrey
geograph for square TL4458
River Cam from Garret Hostel Bridge
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
River Cam from Garret Hostel Bridge
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
River Cam from Garret Hostel Bridge
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Riverside footpath
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TL4459
Footpath along the River Cam on the northern side of Jersus Green.
There are... (more)
Jesus Lock and footbridge
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TL4459
The lock and the footbridge are together a grade II listed structure (see... (more)
Silver Street Bridge & Queens' College, Cambridge
by Martin Tester
geograph for square TL4458
Seen from across the Mill Pit. Behind the bridge is the College's Essex... (more)
Punts on the Cam at Granta Place
by Martin Tester
geograph for square TL4458
Looking upstream towards Grantchester. In the foreground is a weir which marks... (more)
The River Cam from Victoria Bridge, looking downstream
by Martin Tester
geograph for square TL4559
The River Cam from Victoria Bridge, looking upstream
by Martin Tester
geograph for square TL4559
Punters on the River Cam
by Lauren
geograph for square TL4458
Punters on the River Cam
by Lauren
geograph for square TL4458
Punters on the River Cam
by Lauren
geograph for square TL4458
Mathematical Bridge
by Lauren
geograph for square TL4458
Punters on the River Cam
by Lauren
geograph for square TL4458
Evening sunshine at Baits Bite Lock
by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square TL4862
Part of a pleasant Cam-side walk.
Eight under the bridge
by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square TL4760
Rowing training on the River Cam. The view also shows the new 'Jetty'... (more)
The Mathematical Bridge, Queens' College, Cambridge
by Martin Tester
geograph for square TL4458
The Mathematical Bridge connects the older half of the college (on the right... (more)
Silver Street Bridge & Queens' College, Cambridge
by Martin Tester
geograph for square TL4458
Seen from across the Mill Pit. Behind the bridge is the College's Essex... (more)
River Cam and Clare Bridge from Garret Hostel Bridge
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Weir at Jesus Lock
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TL4459
Houseboats Framed
by Bob Harvey
for square TL4559
Looking downstream along the Cam from the bridge at Jesus Lock
River Cam with boats
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TL4459
Houseboats moored on the Northern shore, below Chesterton Road
From Left to... (more)
ChYpPS Community Play Boat
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TL4459
Provided by the Cambridge City council the Children and Young People's... (more)
The River Cam
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TL4458
Punts and trees on the water.
Mathematical Bridge
by Richard Croft
geograph for square TL4458
Mathematical Bridge, Queens' College and the River Cam from Silver Street bridge
River Cam, Cambridge
by David Dixon
geograph for square TL4458
Viewed from Silver Street Bridge.
Chesterton: houses by the river
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4760
The houses of Fen View Court have views of the river and Ditton Meadows on the... (more)
Fen Rivers Way through the Cam Washes
by Hugh Venables
geograph for square TL5369
Low level path that could easily flood, being below the raised river bank.
Colourful canoeists on the River Cam in Cambridge
by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TL4457
Exercise after Christmas
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4760
Two days after Christmas quite a few people were out and about on and beside the... (more)
Mathematical Bridge
by Lauren
geograph for square TL4458
A walk by the river
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4559
Reflections in the River Cam just downstream from Fort St George footbridge. The... (more)
Victoria Bridge: riverside path flooded
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4559
The riverside path dips down to pass under Victoria Bridge from Midsummer Common... (more)
Ice cream vendor on the River Cam
by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TL4459
Punts but no punters - the River Cam in Cambridge
by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TL4457
The Government lockdown measures introduced during the Coronavirus Covid-19... (more)
Weeding the Cam at Bottisham Lock
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL5065
This little vessel rakes up weed and dumps it on the river bank (see... (more)