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Showing latest 50 of 199 images tagged with Castle Wall tag.

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SH7877 : Former railway goods yard, Conwy by Alan Murray-Rust Former railway goods yard, Conwy by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SH7877
Compare with my 1962 view Link. It's... (more)
NZ1700 : Richmond Castle, Curtain Wall and Towers by David Dixon Richmond Castle, Curtain Wall and Towers by David Dixon
geograph for square NZ1700
Looking along the eastern wall of the castle; all the main medieval domestic... (more)
NZ1700 : Richmond Castle walls by Gerald England Richmond Castle walls by Gerald England
geograph for square NZ1700
The walls of the Grade I listed... (more)
SK1482 : South-east Wall, Peveril Castle by David Dixon South-east Wall, Peveril Castle by David Dixon
geograph for square SK1482
SK1482 : Peveril Castle, Curtain Wall by David Dixon Peveril Castle, Curtain Wall by David Dixon
geograph for square SK1482
SO4108 : North east wall of Raglan Castle by M J Roscoe North east wall of Raglan Castle by M J Roscoe
geograph for square SO4108
This outer wall forms the side of the Office Wing of the Pitched Court; at... (more)
SK1482 : Peveril Castle, Castle Hill by David Dixon Peveril Castle, Castle Hill by David Dixon
geograph for square SK1482
SK1482 : Peveril Castle, Castleton by David Dixon Peveril Castle, Castleton by David Dixon
geograph for square SK1482
NZ1700 : Castle Walk by Gerald England Castle Walk by Gerald England
geograph for square NZ1700
The footpath below the castle walls affords a good view of the River Swale.
SS0697 : Inner ward, Manorbier Castle by M J Roscoe Inner ward, Manorbier Castle by M J Roscoe
geograph for square SS0697
The Hall Keep, the oldest part of the castle is in the far corner, right; to its... (more)
NZ1700 : Richmond castle: east wall from inside by Stephen Craven Richmond castle: east wall from inside by Stephen Craven
geograph for square NZ1700
Including the 'Robin Hood tower' half way along. A full history of the... (more)
NY3956 : Carlisle Castle Inner Bailey Keep and Wall by David Dixon Carlisle Castle Inner Bailey Keep and Wall by David Dixon
geograph for square NY3956
Carlisle Castle is over 900 years old. It was first built in 1093, during the... (more)
SO4565 : Gothic Curtain Wall, Croft Castle by Philip Halling Gothic Curtain Wall, Croft Castle by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO4565
The Gothic curtain wall and gateway are late 18th century additions to Croft... (more)
SO4565 : Gothic Curtain Wall, Croft Castle by Philip Halling Gothic Curtain Wall, Croft Castle by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO4565
The gothic curtain wall and gateway are late 18th century additions to Croft... (more)
SH5831 : Harlech Castle, the east wall by Jeff Buck Harlech Castle, the east wall by Jeff Buck
geograph for square SH5831
The east wall of Harlech Castle showing the gatehouse. The new footbridge on the... (more)
SH5831 : Harlech Castle, the south wall by Jeff Buck Harlech Castle, the south wall by Jeff Buck
for square SH5831
The south wall of Harlech Castle showing the south-east and south-west towers.... (more)
J1486 : The castle walls, Antrim (4) by Albert Bridge The castle walls, Antrim (4) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1486
Part of the castle walls (looking towards High Street) seen from an elevated... (more)
TM2863 : The Wall Walk, Framingham Castle by Philip Halling The Wall Walk, Framingham Castle by Philip Halling
geograph for square TM2863
The Wall Walk along the top of the curtain wall of Framingham Castle.
TM2863 : The Wall Walk, Framingham Castle by Philip Halling The Wall Walk, Framingham Castle by Philip Halling
for square TM2863
The Wall Walk along the top of the curtain wall of Framingham Castle. On the... (more)
SD2363 : The Ship Inn and Piel Channel by Adrian Taylor The Ship Inn and Piel Channel by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2363
Part of the bailey and outer wall of the 14th Century Piel Castle is in the... (more)
SJ5359 : The Walls of Beeston Castle by Jeff Buck The Walls of Beeston Castle by Jeff Buck
geograph for square SJ5359
The wall at the south east corner of Beeston Castle. Photo taken in April 1977... (more)
SH5831 : Harlech Castle, the west wall by Jeff Buck Harlech Castle, the west wall by Jeff Buck
geograph for square SH5831
The west wall including the south-west and north-west towers.
SK9771 : Castle Walls by Richard Croft Castle Walls by Richard Croft
geograph for square SK9771
Eastern wall ramparts and recently installed stairs and lift... (more)
SK9771 : Lincoln Castle walls walkway by David Hawgood Lincoln Castle walls walkway by David Hawgood
geograph for square SK9771
As part of the redevelopment of the castle it is now possible to walk the... (more)
NY3956 : Carlisle Castle by David Dixon Carlisle Castle by David Dixon
geograph for square NY3956
The castle viewed from the footbridge over Castle Way. Carlisle Castle is... (more)
J1486 : The castle walls, Antrim (5) by Albert Bridge The castle walls, Antrim (5) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1486
See J1486 : The castle walls, Antrim (4). The same wall is on the right. Restoration work is underway... (more)
NY3956 : Carlisle Castle by David Dixon Carlisle Castle by David Dixon
for square NY3956
Carlisle Castle is over 900 years old. It was first built in 1093, during the... (more)
SJ5359 : Remains of the Outer Gatehouse of Beeston Castle by Jeff Buck Remains of the Outer Gatehouse of Beeston Castle by Jeff Buck
geograph for square SJ5359
The outer gatehouse on the southern side of the curtain wall of Beeston Castle.... (more)
TQ1810 : Outer Wall, Bramber Castle by PAUL FARMER Outer Wall, Bramber Castle by PAUL FARMER
for square TQ1810
SK9771 : Lincoln Castle prison with Magna Carta Crypt by David Hawgood Lincoln Castle prison with Magna Carta Crypt by David Hawgood
geograph for square SK9771
On the left, the Victorian prison building. On the right, the Georgian prison... (more)
SK9771 : Lucy Tower, Lincoln Castle, from walls walkway by David Hawgood Lucy Tower, Lincoln Castle, from walls walkway by David Hawgood
geograph for square SK9771
The walkway has been renovated allowing a complete circuit. The tower is an open... (more)
NU2522 : Castle walls on Castle Point by Bill Boaden Castle walls on Castle Point by Bill Boaden
geograph for square NU2522
The walls of Dunstanburgh Castle are less intimidating on this side. It was the... (more)
NY3956 : Carlisle Castle by David Dixon Carlisle Castle by David Dixon
geograph for square NY3956
Carlisle Castle is over 900 years old. It was first built in 1093, during the... (more)
NY3956 : Carlisle Castle by David Dixon Carlisle Castle by David Dixon
geograph for square NY3956
Carlisle Castle is over 900 years old. It was first built in 1093, during the... (more)
SO8454 : Remains of Worcester Castle by Philip Halling Remains of Worcester Castle by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO8454
Castle House on College Green is so named because the site wall is a fragment of... (more)
SO8454 : Remains of Worcester Castle by Philip Halling Remains of Worcester Castle by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO8454
Castle House on College Green is so named because the site wall is a fragment of... (more)
NZ1700 : Richmond Castle by David Dixon Richmond Castle by David Dixon
geograph for square NZ1700
SN1745 : 1176 Restaurant, Cardigan Castle by M J Roscoe 1176 Restaurant, Cardigan Castle by M J Roscoe
geograph for square SN1745
A recently constructed restaurant on part of the rebuilt western castle wall... (more)
SJ0565 : Denbigh Castle Walls and Well by Jeff Buck Denbigh Castle Walls and Well by Jeff Buck
geograph for square SJ0565
The well and east wall of the castle. The well is 50 feet (15.2m) deep and it is... (more)
Tags: CadwX   subject:CastleX   Castle WallsX   place:DenbighX   place:Denbigh CastleX   county:DenbighshireX   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   country:WalesX   WellX  
SH5831 : Harlech Castle, the south ditch by Jeff Buck Harlech Castle, the south ditch by Jeff Buck
geograph for square SH5831
The south wall and ditch of Harlech Castle.
SK9771 : Stairs & lift at Lincoln Castle by Richard Croft Stairs & lift at Lincoln Castle by Richard Croft
geograph for square SK9771
Recently installed spiral staircase and lift providing access to the eastern... (more)
SK9771 : Lincoln Castle by Richard Croft Lincoln Castle by Richard Croft
geograph for square SK9771
Visitors walking the northern wall ramparts of Lincoln Castle with the Trent Valley beyond
SK9771 : Lincoln Castle by Richard Croft Lincoln Castle by Richard Croft
geograph for square SK9771
Lincoln Castle walls over the east gate towards The Observatory Tower
SK9771 : Lucy Tower, Lincoln Castle by David Hawgood Lucy Tower, Lincoln Castle by David Hawgood
geograph for square SK9771
The Lucy Tower is now an open walled enclosure on top of a mound. View from... (more)
SO5074 : Ludlow Castle Walls by Gordon Griffiths Ludlow Castle Walls by Gordon Griffiths
geograph for square SO5074
The view in Ludlow town of the Castle Walls from the river path.
Tags: subject:CastleX   CastleX   Castle RuinsX   Castle WallsX   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   place:LudlowX   county:ShropshireX  
SY9582 : Castle Walls by Gordon Griffiths Castle Walls by Gordon Griffiths
geograph for square SY9582
The view of Corfe Castle walls in Dorset.
Tags: subject:CastleX   Castle WallsX   Corfe CastleX   county:DorsetX   type:GeographX   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX  
SH5831 : The North Wall of Harlech Castle by Jeff Buck The North Wall of Harlech Castle by Jeff Buck
geograph for square SH5831
Looking towards the north west or chapel tower.
SK9771 : Lucy Tower by Richard Croft Lucy Tower by Richard Croft
geograph for square SK9771
11th century walls and shell keep known as Lucy Tower at Lincoln Castle
SK9771 : Lift and spiral stair access to Lincoln Castle walls by David Hawgood Lift and spiral stair access to Lincoln Castle walls by David Hawgood
geograph for square SK9771
A new access as part of a major redevelopment which includes a walkway right... (more)
SK9771 : Lincoln Castle walls walkway from East Gate by David Hawgood Lincoln Castle walls walkway from East Gate by David Hawgood
geograph for square SK9771
The walkway has recently been renovated and made complete.
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