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Showing latest 50 of 168 images tagged with Charter Train tag.

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SE2932 : Evening sunshine on a charter train by Stephen Craven Evening sunshine on a charter train by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE2932
A West Coast Railways charter service from Carlisle passes Whitehall Junction on... (more)
Tags: Charter Train   type:GeographX   top:RailwaysX  
SD8457 : Steaming away from Hellifield  by Stephen Craven Steaming away from Hellifield by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SD8457
A charter train setting off from Hellifield station behind a steam locomotive on... (more)
NY4055 : Charter train at Carlisle by Stephen Craven Charter train at Carlisle by Stephen Craven
for square NY4055
Many of the charter trains arriving here from Settle, Leeds or beyond are steam... (more)
Tags: Charter Train   High Speed TrainX   type:InsideX   top:RailwaysX  
SD8557 : Adding steam at Hellifield  by Stephen Craven Adding steam at Hellifield by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SD8557
A charter train stopped on the passing loop at Hellifield station, with the... (more)
SE2933 : "Christina" at Leeds by Stephen Craven "Christina" at Leeds by Stephen Craven
for square SE2933
One of the named first class carriages of a West Coast Railways charter service... (more)
Tags: Charter Train   type:InsideX   top:RailwaysX  
NY6820 : Appleby station footbridge by Stephen Craven Appleby station footbridge by Stephen Craven
geograph for square NY6820
With a West Coast Railways charter train.
NY6820 : A rainy day at Appleby station by Stephen Craven A rainy day at Appleby station by Stephen Craven
geograph for square NY6820
A West Coast Railways charter train takes on water, while passengers stand in the rain.
Tags: Charter Train   type:GeographX   top:RailwaysX  
NY6820 : Alighting at Appleby by Stephen Craven Alighting at Appleby by Stephen Craven
geograph for square NY6820
Passengers alight from the Dalesman charter to stretch their legs while the... (more)
SD9851 : Dalesman boarding at Skipton by Stephen Craven Dalesman boarding at Skipton by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SD9851
The charter train was considerably longer than the platform at Skipton. It was... (more)
ST1066 : Charter train waits at signal by Roger Templeman Charter train waits at signal by Roger Templeman
geograph for square ST1066
The lower quadrant semaphore signal halts the charter train in the loop while... (more)
SE1416 : Charter train entering Huddersfield station by Stephen Craven Charter train entering Huddersfield station by Stephen Craven
for square SE1416
Category: Railway station platforms
The trailing crossover at the western end of Huddersfield station enables trains... (more)
SE2833 : Waiting for a path into Leeds by Stephen Craven Waiting for a path into Leeds by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE2833
A West Coast Railways charter service from Carlisle waits for a signal at... (more)
Tags: Charter Train   type:GeographX   top:RailwaysX  
SJ7154 : Charter train at Crewe (2) by Stephen Craven Charter train at Crewe (2) by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SJ7154
Diesel loco 57313 'Scarborough Castle' forms the tail end of a charter... (more)
SJ7154 : Charter train at Crewe by Stephen Craven Charter train at Crewe by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SJ7154
Diesel loco 57314 'Conwy Castle' hauls a charter train northwards... (more)
TQ3395 : EMU passes charter train approaching Enfield Town Station by Roger Templeman EMU passes charter train approaching Enfield Town Station by Roger Templeman
geograph for square TQ3395
Class 315 electric multiple unit number 315818 heads south towards Liverpool... (more)
TQ3381 : Diesel locomotives in Liverpool Street Station by Roger Templeman Diesel locomotives in Liverpool Street Station by Roger Templeman
for square TQ3381
Two class 20/3 diesel locomotives brought a rail charter from Crewe into... (more)
SD7992 : Charter train crossing Dandrymire Viaduct by Stephen Craven Charter train crossing Dandrymire Viaduct by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SD7992
The viaduct, which is grade II listed (list entry 1384058), was built in... (more)
TG1001 : Train at Wymondham Abbey Station by Glen Denny Train at Wymondham Abbey Station by Glen Denny
geograph for square TG1001
This High Speed Train was working a charity charter train returning from Dereham... (more)
TG1001 : "Mid-Norfolk Marauder" entering Wymondham Abbey Station by Glen Denny "Mid-Norfolk Marauder" entering Wymondham Abbey Station by Glen Denny
geograph for square TG1001
This High Speed Train was working a charity charter train returning from Dereham... (more)
TG1001 : Off the beaten track by Glen Denny Off the beaten track by Glen Denny
for square TG1001
This High Speed Train was working a charity charter train returning from Dereham... (more)
TG1001 : High Speed Train leaving Wymondham Abbey Station by Glen Denny High Speed Train leaving Wymondham Abbey Station by Glen Denny
geograph for square TG1001
This High Speed Train was working a charity charter train returning from Dereham... (more)
TG1001 : "Railway Children" leaving Wymondham Abbey Station by Glen Denny "Railway Children" leaving Wymondham Abbey Station by Glen Denny
for square TG1001
This High Speed Train was working a charity charter train returning from Dereham... (more)
TG1001 : High Speed Train leaving Wymondham Abbey Station by Glen Denny High Speed Train leaving Wymondham Abbey Station by Glen Denny
geograph for square TG1001
This High Speed Train was working a charity charter train returning from Dereham... (more)
SE1437 : Returning charter train at Shipley  by Stephen Craven Returning charter train at Shipley by Stephen Craven
for square SE1437
One of the summer charter trains run by West Coast Railways calls on its return... (more)
SE1437 : Outward charter train at Shipley by Stephen Craven Outward charter train at Shipley by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE1437
One of the summer Carnforth to York charter trains run by West Coast Railways.... (more)
SO9548 : 46201 Princess Elizabeth, Pershore Station by Adrian Taylor 46201 Princess Elizabeth, Pershore Station by Adrian Taylor
for square SO9548
LMS Princess Royal Class 46201 Princess Elizabeth on charter train 1Z71 The... (more)
TQ3388 : Charter train stops at signal at approach to Seven Sisters Station by Roger Templeman Charter train stops at signal at approach to Seven Sisters Station by Roger Templeman
geograph for square TQ3388
A Class 172 Turbostar diesel multiple unit number 172 007 heads east while a... (more)
TQ2282 : Charter train pauses by Cumberland Park Industrial Estate by Roger Templeman Charter train pauses by Cumberland Park Industrial Estate by Roger Templeman
geograph for square TQ2282
Pathfinder Tours 'Buffer Puffer 10.0' charter waits for signal at... (more)
SJ3296 : Charter train at the Seaforth container terminal by Roger Templeman Charter train at the Seaforth container terminal by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SJ3296
The charter train with Class 66 diesel locomotive number 66063 leading reaches... (more)
SP8240 : Charter train reverses down into the Incline Siding by Roger Templeman Charter train reverses down into the Incline Siding by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SP8240
The charter train has approached from the south on the Down Slow line, then... (more)
TQ1479 : Charter train approaches compound bridge by Roger Templeman Charter train approaches compound bridge by Roger Templeman
geograph for square TQ1479
The charter train approaches a bridge which carries Windmill Lane over the... (more)
SU5193 : Charter train in Hanson Aggregates Appleford sidings by Roger Templeman Charter train in Hanson Aggregates Appleford sidings by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SU5193
Frosty heaps of gravel beside the tracks in the sidings. Charter train... (more)
TQ1097 : Triple-headed charter train approaches Watford Junction by Roger Templeman Triple-headed charter train approaches Watford Junction by Roger Templeman
geograph for square TQ1097
Diesel locomotive Class 66/0 number 66232 heads Class 37/5 number 37510 and... (more)
TG1001 : High Speed Train at Cavick Road Level Crossing, Wymondham by Glen Denny High Speed Train at Cavick Road Level Crossing, Wymondham by Glen Denny
geograph for square TG1001
This High Speed Train was working a charity charter train returning from Dereham... (more)
TG1001 : High Speed Train at Cavick Road Level Crossing, Wymondham by Glen Denny High Speed Train at Cavick Road Level Crossing, Wymondham by Glen Denny
geograph for square TG1001
This High Speed Train was working a charity charter train returning from Dereham... (more)
TG1100 : Train passing through Wymondham Station by Glen Denny Train passing through Wymondham Station by Glen Denny
geograph for square TG1100
At the southern end of Wymondham Station a footbridge connects the two... (more)
TQ3083 : Steam-hauled tour leaving Kings Cross by Stephen Craven Steam-hauled tour leaving Kings Cross by Stephen Craven
for square TQ3083
Category: steam train
A private charter train, named the "Lindum Christmas Fayre", leaving... (more)
SU8650 : Charter train pauses in Aldershot Station by Roger Templeman Charter train pauses in Aldershot Station by Roger Templeman
for square SU8650
The train hauled by diesel locomotive Class 37/5 number 37510 in Direct Rail... (more)
TG1100 : "Mid-Norfolk Marauder" entering Wymondham Station by Glen Denny "Mid-Norfolk Marauder" entering Wymondham Station by Glen Denny
geograph for square TG1100
This High Speed Train was a charity charter, heading back to St Pancras... (more)
SE3693 : Northallerton station - receding charter train by Stephen Craven Northallerton station - receding charter train by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE3693
Loco 47749 brings up the rear of the "Pathfinder" charter through the... (more)
Tags: Charter Train   Class 47X   type:GeographX   top:RailwaysX  
TQ2877 : Charter train at the buffers at the end of the Battersea Loop by Roger Templeman Charter train at the buffers at the end of the Battersea Loop by Roger Templeman
geograph for square TQ2877
The Pathfinders Tours' Buffer Puffer 11.1 charter reverses at the north end... (more)
TQ2982 : Charter train ready to leave Euston  Station by Roger Templeman Charter train ready to leave Euston Station by Roger Templeman
geograph for square TQ2982
Deutsche Bahn Schenker Class 60 diesel locomotive number 60092 about to take a... (more)
TQ2982 : Charter train from Crewe arrives at Euston Station by Roger Templeman Charter train from Crewe arrives at Euston Station by Roger Templeman
for square TQ2982
Colas Rail Class 56 diesel locomotive number 56094 pauses before the next leg of... (more)
ST8982 : Charter train leaves Hullavington Down Goods Loop by Roger Templeman Charter train leaves Hullavington Down Goods Loop by Roger Templeman
geograph for square ST8982
With the red signal protecting the down main line it is safe for the charter to... (more)
TQ4384 : Charter train pauses on the approach to c2c depot by Roger Templeman Charter train pauses on the approach to c2c depot by Roger Templeman
geograph for square TQ4384
The charter in charge of diesel locomotive Class 37/0 number 37229 passes the... (more)
SE5951 : Setting off from Holgate sidings by Stephen Craven Setting off from Holgate sidings by Stephen Craven
for square SE5951
The sidings south of York station, originally constructed for race day specials... (more)
SE3693 : Northallerton station - approaching charter train by Stephen Craven Northallerton station - approaching charter train by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE3693
An unidentified class 47 loco in old British Rail colours heads the... (more)
SJ3590 : Charter train in platform 9 at Lime Street by Stephen Craven Charter train in platform 9 at Lime Street by Stephen Craven
for square SJ3590
Diesel loco 57312 "Northern Belle" at the head of some BR-era coaches.
TQ1568 : Charter train in Hampton Court Station by Roger Templeman Charter train in Hampton Court Station by Roger Templeman
geograph for square TQ1568
Diesel locomotive Class 20/3 number 20308 on Pathfinder Tours' Buffer... (more)
TQ2259 : Charter train at Epsom Downs Station by Roger Templeman Charter train at Epsom Downs Station by Roger Templeman
geograph for square TQ2259
Pathfinders Tours' Buffer Puffer 11.1 charter which used Direct Rail... (more)
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