Dunfanaghy from Horn Head
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0238
Looking towards Dunfanaghy from the road down Horn Head.
The background is... (more)
Sweet Shop, Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0137
Molly's Link sweet shop on Main... ( more)
Bench Mark, Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
for square C0137
Cut bench mark on the southern side of Market Square, Dunfanaghy, facing onto... (more)
Killahoey Strand from Horn Head
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0238
Looking towards Killahoey Strand, Dunfanaghy, from the road down Horn Head.
Telephone Call Box, Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0137
Eircom telephone box in the centre of Dunfanaghy. Like disappearing BT phone... (more)
Tractor near Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0135
Tractor raking a ploughed field near Dunfanaghy. It is a Massey Ferguson 35X -... (more)
Petrol station, Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0237
Maxol petrol station / garage and Mace shop in Dunfanaghy. Petrol and diesel are... (more)
Old machinery near Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
for square B9935
Old farm machinery abandoned in a field near Dunfanaghy. It is marked 'J.... (more)
Horses, Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0137
Horse riders on Killahoey Strand, Dunfanaghy. Part of Horn Head is in the background.
Court Tomb near Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0534
An ancient Court Tomb in a field alongside the N56 at Ballymore near Dunfanaghy.... (more)
Sewage vent pipe, Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
for square C0136
Sewage vent pipe located in a garden off on a minor road near Kill and... (more)
Sewage vent pipe, Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0136
Sewage vent pipe located in a garden off on a minor road near Kill and... (more)
Sewage vent pipe near Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0236
Sewage vent pipe located in a garden off on a minor road near Kill and... (more)
Manhole cover near Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
for square C0236
Detail of a manhole cover located on a minor road near Kill and Dunfanaghy. It... (more)
Manhole cover near Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
for square C0236
A manhole cover located on a minor road near Kill and Dunfanaghy. It was cast by... (more)
Old water pump, Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0136
An old water pump located on a road a few hundred metres south of the centre of... (more)
Protest sign, Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
for square C0237
A protest sign in Dunfanaghy against the introduction of water charges (and the... (more)
Protest sign, Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
for square C0237
A protest sign in Dunfanaghy against the introduction of water charges in... (more)
Castlebane near Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
geograph for square B9935
Castlebane townland near Dunfanaghy. In rock in the foreground is Castlebane... (more)
Minor road near Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0033
Minor road a few miles south of Dunfanaghy in Kildarragh townland. Muckish... (more)
Dunfanaghy from Horn Head
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0239
Looking towards Dunfanaghy from the road down Horn Head. The background is... (more)
Transatlantic rubbish near Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
geograph for square B9937
What I presume is an example of transatlantic rubbish on Tramore Strand west of... (more)
Direction sign near Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0236
Sign off the N56 outside Dunfanaghy for the hamlet of Kill (An Chill). I had... (more)
Caravan near Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0135
Caravan parked in a field at Casey Glebe south of Dunfanaghy. It was not being... (more)
Loch an Phoirt near Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0134
Small lough south of Dunfanaghy in the townland of Port. The crannog near the... (more)
Tree near Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0135
Solitary tree along a fence between two fields at Casey Glebe south of... (more)
Dunfanaghy from Horn Head
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0239
Looking towards Dunfanaghy from the road down Horn Head.
The background is... (more)
Telephone box near Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
for square B9935
An old K6 telephone box on private land near Dunfanaghy. Marked... (more)
Minor road near Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
geograph for square B9935
Minor road near Dunfanaghy in the townland of Corcreggan. There are a few ruined... (more)
Sheep near Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0236
A field of sheep and lambs south of Dunfanaghy.
Grating, Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
for square C0137
Grating located in the centre of Dunfanaghy. It is marked "J. Cavanagh and... (more)
Tramore Strand near Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
geograph for square B9836
The delightful Tramore Strand near Dunfanaghy. As usual, there were no more than... (more)
The N56, Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0136
The main N56 west of Dunfanaghy. The road carries on west, the next main town is... (more)
Aire Puist agus Telegrafa access cover, Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
for square C0136
Aire Puist agus Telegrafa (see... (more)
Fire hydrant cover, Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
for square C0136
Fire hydrant cover located on a road south-west of the centre of Dunfanaghy (Old... (more)
Manhole cover, Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
for square C0237
Manhole cover located on the N56 on the eastern edge of Dunfanaghy. The cover is... (more)
Gully grating, Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
for square C0137
Grating located on Main Street in Dunfanaghy. It is marked "C. Bonner and... (more)
Manhole cover, Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
for square C0137
Manhole cover on Pound Street, Dunfanaghy. It is marked "Dublin... (more)
Grating, Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
for square C0237
Grating located on a footpath by the main road in Dunfanaghy. It was cast by the... (more)
Old water pump, Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
for square C0137
Old water pump, Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
for square C0137
An old water pump located on Pound Street in Dunfanaghy. It was manufactured by... (more)
Milestone near Creeslough
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0532
An old milestone on the road running to Ards Friary from the N56 between... (more)
Tractor, Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
for square C0137
A 1990 Massey Ferguson 390 parked in Main Street, Dunfanaghy.
Aire Puist agus Telegrafa cable marker, Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
for square C0237
A cable marker post for the now defunct Aire Puist agus Telegrafa... (more)
Lucky Shell Beach near Dunfanaghy
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0935
Delightful little sheltered cove and beach at the point of Ards near Dunfanaghy.... (more)
Lifeguard station, Killahoey Strand
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0337
Lifeguard station and lookout on Killahoey Strand, Dunfanaghy.
Converted railway carriage, Corcreggan Mill
by Rossographer
for square B9935
Accommodation rooms in a converted railway carriage at Corncreggan Mill... (more)
Yurts, Corcreggan Mill
by Rossographer
geograph for square B9935
Yurts at Corncreggan Mill Link hostel and campsite near Dunfanaghy.
Minor road near Muckish
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0133
Minor road south of Dunfanaghy, looking towards Muckish on a fine bright morning.
Crannog, Loch an Phoirt
by Rossographer
geograph for square C0134
Crannog Link in the centre of Loch an Phoirt... ( more)