Another sunrise
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
Bourne woods as the sun comes up on another winter morning
A glimpse of Homer
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
In the Odessy Homer has a favourite metaphor "emos d’erigeneia phane... (more)
Early this morning
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
After a cold night, a bright morning. You would be forgiven for thinking I have... (more)
A naked oak at dawn
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
The early morning sky silhouettes the leafless tree
A winter morn.
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
In the meteorological year Winter runs from December 1st to the last day in... (more)
Early morning on the River Thames, near Limehouse
by Malc McDonald
geograph for square TQ3680
A view of the River Thames taken at around 06:00 on a July morning, about an... (more)
River Thames at Limehouse Basin in the early morning
by Malc McDonald
geograph for square TQ3680
This image, taken about an hour after sunrise on a July morning, looks out over... (more)
The twin oak
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
Dark against a morning sky.
A dank morning
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
The temperature just about freezing, with no visible frost or fog this morning
A crossroads in the morning
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
Where the public footpath crosses the forestry track.
Gold in the treetops
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
The unshed Larch needles touched by a glance of low level morning sun
A frosty morning
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0821
Or: "The view from the ditch", for that is my vantage point, a streambed
A brighter dawn
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Gold rather than red this morning
An end to gloom
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
At least for today, the morning is bright and the day set fair, on this the... (more)
Early morning sunshine on Westfield Gardens houses, Malpas, Newport
by Jaggery
geograph for square ST3090
Viewed across the A4051 Malpas Road at 6:38am on March 23rd 2020, 31 minutes... (more)
Field south of Hollesley, early morning
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TM3443
On the horizon, a little to the left of centre, is the row of coastguards'... (more)
A bright new morning
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
The edge of Bourne Woods in the morning. There is a fenced off edge to the... (more)
A beautiful morning
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
A hint of spring to come - a warmer morning, some blue sky, and the gentlest of... (more)
Morning has broken
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0821
Another winter sunrise, more hope and joy in the air
Contra Jour at sunrise
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
The clouds, rushed along by a brisk westerly breeze are trying to fill the sky.... (more)
Woodland edge
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0821
The stream is dry, the fields in frost, the sky golden with the sunrise. A... (more)
Blue morning sky
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
The gloom of dawn is beginning to lift
On the cusp of dawn
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
The Sunrise is in progress, but the orb itself has yet to appear. Things are... (more)
The end of Autumn
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0821
My favourite season is drawing to a close, and the trees are ready for their... (more)
Like jewels
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Little water drops diffracting the early morning light brighten this larch frond.
A dripping fog
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
Yesterday morning the temperature was around -2℃, and there was a stilling... (more)
Sun arise!
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
The dogs and I are used to early mornings, and maintain our schedule even though... (more)
Lincolnshire flag
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Fluttering in the wind-chill inducing breezes that presaged storm Bella.
Street lights in the morning
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
As I walked the dogs the street lights were going out, but here in Kingsley... (more)
A crazy sky
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
The light is changing rapidly above the wood as the sun comes up and the clouds burn off
A new type of dawn
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
Today there was a pink light at dawn in the West, presumably the cloud cover was... (more)
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
The bare upper branches of the trees as morning glimmers into life. This is a... (more)
A frosty morning
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
If you look hard enough you will spot the cows, like little mammalian jewels in... (more)
Winter woodland
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
The met. office calls today the first day of winter. It felt a bit that way,... (more)
Early morning, Kingsway, Newport
by Jaggery
geograph for square ST3187
Looking south along Kingsway at 6:30 on a Saturday morning in July 2023.
Early morning in September, and all is not clear
by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SP5367
Mist at 8am, on the north Oxford canal near Willoughby.
Skyline at Newcastle Haymarket 2007
by Andrew Tryon
for square NZ2464
Silhouettes of the Civic Centre, St. Thomas Church and the Monument at Haymarket... (more)
Lichen renewed
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
These lichens have grown remarkably in the last few weeks. One thinks of... (more)
Buttress roots
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
Root growth higher than the ground level forming "flying buttresses"... (more)
Looking up
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
A tree clad in Ivy
Open spaces
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Winter sunlight
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
A study in hues, rather than colours that still makes my heart sing
A domestic setting
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
My oak tree, in front of the oak-filled woods, blessed with pre-spring sunshine
Sunlit slenderness
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
Statuesque, almost spindly, the forms of winter trees are delicate when the... (more)
Misty morning
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
The moist, warm, Atlantic air that brought the thaw turned to mist and fog above... (more)
Woodland's edge
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
Snow lies on the Blind Well field, and the rising sun throws golden light on the... (more)
Forment in the firmament
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
A glorious sight just after sunrise on a snowy day
Light frost, light morning
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
Another reason for hope, on the day I got my Covid-19 vaccination invitation.... (more)
The stream in Edwin Gardens
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
Lots of muddy, turbulent, rapid flow this morning.
This is the continuation of... (more)
The Wood Bank
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0821
A remnant of older management techniques. The conservation officer told me that... (more)