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SK9135 : Grantham Festival of Speed 2013 by David Dixon Grantham Festival of Speed 2013 by David Dixon
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Crowds of visitors photographing, and having their photographs taken alongside,... (more)
SK9135 : Mallard at the Festival of Speed by David Dixon Mallard at the Festival of Speed by David Dixon
geograph for square SK9135
Crowds queuing to climb into the cab of Mallard at the Grantham Festival of... (more)
SK9135 : Mallard Speed Record Plaque by David Dixon Mallard Speed Record Plaque by David Dixon
for square SK9135
Plaque attached to the side of preserved steam LNER locomotive Mallard (4468)... (more)
SK9135 : 4468 Mallard at Grantham Festival of Steam 2013 by David Dixon 4468 Mallard at Grantham Festival of Steam 2013 by David Dixon
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SK9135 : Leyland Tiger, Grantham Festival of Speed by David Dixon Leyland Tiger, Grantham Festival of Speed by David Dixon
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FW 5698, a preserved 1935 Leyland Tiger LS7 with Burlingham B35F coachwork,... (more)
SK9135 : Vintage Bus Service, Grantham Festival of Speed by David Dixon Vintage Bus Service, Grantham Festival of Speed by David Dixon
for square SK9135
FFU 860, a preserved 1950 AEC Regal III with Willowbrook DP35F coachwork, stands... (more)
SK9135 : Mallard at the Festival of Speed by David Dixon Mallard at the Festival of Speed by David Dixon
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SK9135 : Mallard at Grantham Festival of Speed by David Dixon Mallard at Grantham Festival of Speed by David Dixon
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SK9135 : Mallard, Before the Crowds by David Dixon Mallard, Before the Crowds by David Dixon
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A view of the famous steam locomotive "Mallard" at the Festival of... (more)
SK9135 : 4468 Mallard by David Dixon 4468 Mallard by David Dixon
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Number and maker's plate on the side of the Mallard locomotive, on show as... (more)
SK9135 : Crowds Queue to See Mallard by David Dixon Crowds Queue to See Mallard by David Dixon
geograph for square SK9135
Visitors at the Grantham Festival of Speed, queuing for the chance to climb into... (more)
SK9135 : Festival of Speed, Grantham by David Dixon Festival of Speed, Grantham by David Dixon
geograph for square SK9135
Visitors to the Festival of Speed, at Grantham Railway Station, queue to get... (more)
SK9135 : Grantham Festival of Speed, 2013 by David Dixon Grantham Festival of Speed, 2013 by David Dixon
geograph for square SK9135
As well as the historic locomotives, Mallard and Royal Highland Fusilier, other... (more)
SK9135 : Deltic Locomotive at Grantham Festival of Speed by David Dixon Deltic Locomotive at Grantham Festival of Speed by David Dixon
for square SK9135
Class 55 "Deltic" locomotive, Royal Highland Fusilier, on show at the... (more)
SK9135 : Royal Highland Fusilier by David Dixon Royal Highland Fusilier by David Dixon
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Nameplate on the side of SK9135 : Deltic "Royal Highland Fusilier" at Grantham Festival of Steam at the Grantham Festival of Speed.
SK9135 : Vintage Buses at Grantham Station by David Dixon Vintage Buses at Grantham Station by David Dixon
geograph for square SK9135
FW 5698, a preserved 1935 Leyland Tiger TS7 with a Burlingham B35F body,... (more)
SK9034 : Bristol Lodekka on Harlaxton road by David Dixon Bristol Lodekka on Harlaxton road by David Dixon
geograph for square SK9034
LFW 326, a preserved 1955 Bristol Lodekka LD6B with an Eastern Coach Works... (more)
SK9135 : Leyland Tiger at Grantham by David Dixon Leyland Tiger at Grantham by David Dixon
for square SK9135
FW 5698, a preserved 1935 Leyland Tiger TS7 with a Burlingham B35F body, turns... (more)
SK9135 : Vintage Bus Service, Grantham Festival of Speed by David Dixon Vintage Bus Service, Grantham Festival of Speed by David Dixon
geograph for square SK9135
JVL 619H, a Bristol VR which entered service with the Lincolnshire Road Car... (more)
SK9135 : Bristol Lodekka passing Grantham Station by David Dixon Bristol Lodekka passing Grantham Station by David Dixon
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LFW 326, a preserved 1955 Bristol Lodekka LD6B with an Eastern Coach Works... (more)
SK9135 : Deltic 55019 (Royal Highland Fusilier at Grantham) by David Dixon Deltic 55019 (Royal Highland Fusilier at Grantham) by David Dixon
geograph for square SK9135
Preserved Deltic locomotive 55 019, Royal Highland Fusilier taking part in the... (more)
SK9135 : Deltic "Royal Highland Fusilier" at Grantham Festival of Steam by David Dixon Deltic "Royal Highland Fusilier" at Grantham Festival of Steam by David Dixon
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SK9135 : Bristol VR at Grantham by David Dixon Bristol VR at Grantham by David Dixon
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JVL 619H, a Bristol VR which entered service with the Lincolnshire Road Car... (more)
SK9135 : Mallard at Grantham by David Dixon Mallard at Grantham by David Dixon
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SK9135 : 4468 Mallard at Grantham by David Dixon 4468 Mallard at Grantham by David Dixon
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SK9135 : 1930s Buffet Car, Grantham Festival of Speed by David Dixon 1930s Buffet Car, Grantham Festival of Speed by David Dixon
geograph for square SK9135
A similar view to SK9135 : Grantham Festival of Speed - Before the Event, but this time taken on the Saturday when the... (more)
SK9135 : 3-Litre Bentley Engine by David Dixon 3-Litre Bentley Engine by David Dixon
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This engine belongs to the 1925 Bentley Tourer featured in SK9135 : Grantham Festival of Speed, 2013.
SK9135 : AEC Regal on Station Road East by David Dixon AEC Regal on Station Road East by David Dixon
geograph for square SK9135
FFU 860, a preserved 1950 AEC Regal III with Willowbrook DP35F coachwork,... (more)
SK9136 : Grantham, Elmer Street/Swinegate by David Dixon Grantham, Elmer Street/Swinegate by David Dixon
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