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SU8604 : Chichester: Georgian red brick at the crossroads of the Pallants by Christopher Hilton Chichester: Georgian red brick at the crossroads of the Pallants by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SU8604
SU8604 : Chichester: Georgian red brick at the crossroads of the Pallants by Christopher Hilton Chichester: Georgian red brick at the crossroads of the Pallants by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SU8604
TQ3682 : Coborn Terrace, Mile End Road by Christopher Hilton Coborn Terrace, Mile End Road by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TQ3682
TQ3682 : Rodney Terrace, Mile End Road by Christopher Hilton Rodney Terrace, Mile End Road by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TQ3682
TQ3682 : Tredegar Square, off Mile End Road by Christopher Hilton Tredegar Square, off Mile End Road by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TQ3682
SJ3589 : Liverpool: junction of Upper Duke Street and Rodney Street by Christopher Hilton Liverpool: junction of Upper Duke Street and Rodney Street by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SJ3589
This area of eighteenth-century houses is now branded as Liverpool's... (more)
SJ3589 : Liverpool: view down Upper Duke Street towards the Liver Building by Christopher Hilton Liverpool: view down Upper Duke Street towards the Liver Building by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SJ3589
This area of eighteenth century houses is now branded as Liverpool's... (more)
TR1558 : Canterbury: Georgian Terrace, at Barton Mill by Christopher Hilton Canterbury: Georgian Terrace, at Barton Mill by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TR1558
SP3166 : Regency houses on Binswood Avenue, Leamington Spa by Christopher Hilton Regency houses on Binswood Avenue, Leamington Spa by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SP3166
SP3166 : Regency houses on Binswood Avenue, Leamington Spa by Christopher Hilton Regency houses on Binswood Avenue, Leamington Spa by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SP3166
TQ3682 : Rodney Terrace, Mile End Road by Christopher Hilton Rodney Terrace, Mile End Road by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TQ3682
SP9433 : Woburn village centre by Malc McDonald Woburn village centre by Malc McDonald
geograph for square SP9433
A view of the centre of Woburn. The road in the foreground is Bedford Street... (more)
SJ3289 : Hamilton Square, Birkenhead by Malc McDonald Hamilton Square, Birkenhead by Malc McDonald
geograph for square SJ3289
Hamilton Square was designed and built in the 19th Century. Building started in... (more)
SJ3590 : Liverpool: Mount Pleasant by Christopher Hilton Liverpool: Mount Pleasant by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SJ3590
SP3165 : Leamington Spa: Spencer Street by Christopher Hilton Leamington Spa: Spencer Street by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SP3165
At the end of the road is All Saints parish church, enlarged radically during... (more)
SP3165 : Parthenon building, Bath Street, Leamington Spa by Christopher Hilton Parthenon building, Bath Street, Leamington Spa by Christopher Hilton
for square SP3165
The area of Leamington south of the river is now a little down-at-heel compared... (more)
SP3165 : Regency frontages, Bath Street, Leamington Spa by Christopher Hilton Regency frontages, Bath Street, Leamington Spa by Christopher Hilton
for square SP3165
The area of Leamington south of the river is now a little down-at-heel compared... (more)
SP3165 : Parthenon building, Bath Street, Leamington Spa by Christopher Hilton Parthenon building, Bath Street, Leamington Spa by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SP3165
The area of Leamington south of the river is now a little down-at-heel compared... (more)
TQ3183 : View south along Duncan Terrace, Islington by Christopher Hilton View south along Duncan Terrace, Islington by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TQ3183
The gardens on the left mark the line of the New River.
TQ3183 : Colebrooke Row Gardens, Islington by Christopher Hilton Colebrooke Row Gardens, Islington by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TQ3183
The gardens mark the route of the New River.
TQ3183 : Colebrooke Row, Islington by Christopher Hilton Colebrooke Row, Islington by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TQ3183
The street marks the line of the New River.
TQ3476 : Georgian house, corner of Queen's Road and Wood's Road, Peckham by Christopher Hilton Georgian house, corner of Queen's Road and Wood's Road, Peckham by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TQ3476
In the extreme left of the photo, a classic School Board for London school... (more)
NZ2741 : Durham City: South Bailey by Christopher Hilton Durham City: South Bailey by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square NZ2741
SP3166 : Leamington Spa: Parade by Christopher Hilton Leamington Spa: Parade by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SP3166
ST7465 : White marquees and white chairs on the lawn in front of Royal Crescent, Bath by Jaggery White marquees and white chairs on the lawn in front of Royal Crescent, Bath by Jaggery
geograph for square ST7465
The Royal Crescent is a terrace of 30 houses designed by the architect John Wood... (more)
TQ3576 : Queen's Road, Peckham: original site of the "Peckham Experiment" in health promotion by Christopher Hilton Queen's Road, Peckham: original site of the "Peckham Experiment" in health promotion by Christopher Hilton
for square TQ3576
The blue plaque marks the premises in which George Scott Williamson MD... (more)
TQ3576 : Queen's Road, Peckham: original site of the "Peckham Experiment" in health promotion by Christopher Hilton Queen's Road, Peckham: original site of the "Peckham Experiment" in health promotion by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TQ3576
The blue plaque marks the premises in which George Scott Williamson MD... (more)
TQ3376 : Former Camberwell House asylum, now part of the University of the Arts by Christopher Hilton Former Camberwell House asylum, now part of the University of the Arts by Christopher Hilton
for square TQ3376
TQ3376 : Former Camberwell House asylum, now part of the University of the Arts by Christopher Hilton Former Camberwell House asylum, now part of the University of the Arts by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TQ3376
TQ3376 : Former Camberwell House asylum, now part of the University of the Arts by Christopher Hilton Former Camberwell House asylum, now part of the University of the Arts by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TQ3376
TQ3376 : Former Camberwell House asylum, now part of the University of the Arts by Christopher Hilton Former Camberwell House asylum, now part of the University of the Arts by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TQ3376
SJ3489 : Duke Street Mini-mart, Liverpool by Christopher Hilton Duke Street Mini-mart, Liverpool by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SJ3489
The advertisement for Higson's beer on the building may indicate that this... (more)
SJ3589 : Liverpool: Hope Street by Christopher Hilton Liverpool: Hope Street by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SJ3589
This area of eighteenth-century houses is now branded as Liverpool's... (more)
Tags: top:City, Town CentreX   type:GeographX   style:Georgian   period:Georgian   Georgian BuildingsX   Georgian TerraceX   subject:StreetX   housing:TerraceX   TerraceX   houses:TerraceX   building type:TerraceX   Terrace HousesX   TerracedX   Terraced HousesX   Terraced HousingX  
SJ3589 : Liverpool: Mount Street by Christopher Hilton Liverpool: Mount Street by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SJ3589
This area of eighteenth-century houses is now branded as Liverpool's... (more)
SJ3589 : Liverpool: Hope Place by Christopher Hilton Liverpool: Hope Place by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SJ3589
This area of eighteenth-century houses is now branded as Liverpool's... (more)
SJ3589 : Falkner Street, Liverpool by Christopher Hilton Falkner Street, Liverpool by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SJ3589
This area of eighteenth-century houses is now branded as Liverpool's... (more)
SJ3590 : Rodney Street, Liverpool by Christopher Hilton Rodney Street, Liverpool by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SJ3590
This area of eighteenth-century houses is now branded as Liverpool's... (more)
SJ3590 : Rodney Street, Liverpool by Christopher Hilton Rodney Street, Liverpool by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SJ3590
In the distance, Liverpool's Anglican Cathedral; the Roman Catholic... (more)
Tags: CathedralX   top:City, Town CentreX   type:GeographX   style:Georgian   period:Georgian   Georgian BuildingsX   Georgian TerraceX   cathedral:LiverpoolX   StreetX   subject:StreetX   Telephone BoxX   houses:TerraceX   building type:TerraceX   TerraceX   housing:TerraceX   Terrace HousesX   TerracedX   Terraced HousesX   Terraced HousingX  
SD5597 : Taking a photo of Shaw End by Rich Tea Taking a photo of Shaw End by Rich Tea
geograph for square SD5597
Tags: top:Country EstatesX   type:GeographX   style:Georgian   period:Georgian   Georgian ArchitectureX   Georgian HouseX   subject:HouseX   Patton BridgeX   place:Shaw EndX  
SD5597 : Shaw End by Rich Tea Shaw End by Rich Tea
geograph for square SD5597
ST7465 : The Circus, Bath, 1966 by Alan Murray-Rust The Circus, Bath, 1966 by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square ST7465
Looking towards Brook Street. A feature of the view is the building which has... (more)
TQ3183 : Packington Street, Islington by Christopher Hilton Packington Street, Islington by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TQ3183
TF4609 : Ghost Passage and The Crescent in Wisbech by Richard Humphrey Ghost Passage and The Crescent in Wisbech by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TF4609
Also known as Gunson's Passage, this footpath through the arch gives rear... (more)
TQ3376 : Former Camberwell House asylum, now part of the University of the Arts by Christopher Hilton Former Camberwell House asylum, now part of the University of the Arts by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TQ3376
TQ4110 : The Brewery Shop, Cliffe High Street, Lewes by PAUL FARMER The Brewery Shop, Cliffe High Street, Lewes by PAUL FARMER
geograph for square TQ4110
SP9433 : Woburn High Street by Malc McDonald Woburn High Street by Malc McDonald
geograph for square SP9433
The high street in the centre of Woburn, Bedfordshire. The buildings in Woburn... (more)
SJ3971 : Georgian Doorway in St Oswald's Churchyard, Backford by Jeff Buck Georgian Doorway in St Oswald's Churchyard, Backford by Jeff Buck
for square SJ3971
This Georgian doorway in St Oswald's churchyard gives access to the grounds... (more)
Tags: village:BackfordX   county:CheshireX   ChurchyardX   DoorwayX   period:Georgian   style:Georgian   Georgian   top:Religious SitesX   top:Village, Rural SettlementX  
ST5773 : Buckingham Place, Clifton, Bristol by Jaggery Buckingham Place, Clifton, Bristol by Jaggery
geograph for square ST5773
Viewed across Queen's Road. Buckingham Place is a 100 metre long Georgian terrace.
SO9421 : A Georgian terrace, Cheltenham by Jaggery A Georgian terrace, Cheltenham by Jaggery
geograph for square SO9421
Three-storey Bath Road terrace viewed from the corner of Paragon Terrace.... (more)
ST5276 : Late Georgian houses, Station Road, Shirehampton, Bristol by Jaggery Late Georgian houses, Station Road, Shirehampton, Bristol by Jaggery
geograph for square ST5276
Viewed from the corner of Dursley Road. The houses are in the late Georgian... (more)
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