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J3683 : "Speed cameras" sign, Jordanstown by Albert Bridge "Speed cameras" sign, Jordanstown by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3683
A sign close to Lonsdale Court (left). The entire length of the roadworks, from... (more)
J3683 : "Free recovery" sign, Jordanstown (2013) by Albert Bridge "Free recovery" sign, Jordanstown (2013) by Albert Bridge
for square J3683
A free breakdown recovery service operates, on the Shore Road, over the entire... (more)
J3683 : "Speed check" sign, Jordanstown by Albert Bridge "Speed check" sign, Jordanstown by Albert Bridge
for square J3683
There is a 30mph speed limit, on the Shore Road, over the entire length of the... (more)
J3683 : Road construction contract sign, Whiteabbey/Jordanstown (2013) by Albert Bridge Road construction contract sign, Whiteabbey/Jordanstown (2013) by Albert Bridge
for square J3683
The sign, on the Shore Road, approaching the Loughshore Park, giving information... (more)
J3683 : Reserved line, Jordanstown/Greenisland (1) by Albert Bridge Reserved line, Jordanstown/Greenisland (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3683
The Shore Road, at Jordanstown, looking towards Carrickfergus along the land... (more)
J3683 : The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (1) by Albert Bridge The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3683
The end of the present four-lane stretch (looking towards Carrickfergus), at... (more)
J3683 : Former turning circle, Jordanstown by Albert Bridge Former turning circle, Jordanstown by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3683
This turning circle J3683 : Bus stop and turning circle, Jordanstown is being incorporated into the Belfast-bound... (more)
J3684 : Road construction, Jordanstown (7) by Albert Bridge Road construction, Jordanstown (7) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3684
The new road under construction between Langley Hall and Belfast High School... (more)
J3683 : Road construction, Jordanstown (6) by Albert Bridge Road construction, Jordanstown (6) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3683
Part of the new roundabout (not yet in use), looking towards Belfast, at the... (more)
J3683 : Road construction, Jordanstown (5) by Albert Bridge Road construction, Jordanstown (5) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3683
Construction of the new road at the entrance to the University of Ulster,... (more)
J3683 : Road construction, Jordanstown (4) by Albert Bridge Road construction, Jordanstown (4) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3683
Part of the new roundabout (not yet in use), looking towards Carrickfergus, at... (more)
J3683 : Road construction, Jordanstown (3) by Albert Bridge Road construction, Jordanstown (3) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3683
Construction of the new road at The Grange, looking towards Carrickfergus, along... (more)
J3683 : Road construction, Jordanstown (2) by Albert Bridge Road construction, Jordanstown (2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3683
The new roundabout, under construction, at the entrance to the University of Ulster.
J3683 : Road construction, Jordanstown (1) by Albert Bridge Road construction, Jordanstown (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3683
The start of the roadworks, at this turning circle J3683 : Bus stop and turning circle, Jordanstown, where part of... (more)
J3784 : Belfast High School, Jordanstown/Greenisland (2013-2) by Albert Bridge Belfast High School, Jordanstown/Greenisland (2013-2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3784
Belfast High School at the entrance/exit on the Shore Road. Some trees have... (more)
J3784 : The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (2013-2) by Albert Bridge The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (2013-2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3784
The Shore Road, opposite here J3784 : "Speed camera" sign, Jordanstown/Greenisland (2013-1), where some gardens are in the process... (more)
J3784 : "Speed camera" sign, Jordanstown/Greenisland (2013-1) by Albert Bridge "Speed camera" sign, Jordanstown/Greenisland (2013-1) by Albert Bridge
for square J3784
There is a 30mph speed limit, on the Shore Road, over the entire length of the... (more)
J3784 : The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (2013-1) by Albert Bridge The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (2013-1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3784
The Shore Road, looking towards Belfast from the end of this lane J3784 : Lane, Jordanstown/Greenisland (2013-1).... (more)
J3784 : Belfast High School, Jordanstown/Greenisland (2013-1) by Albert Bridge Belfast High School, Jordanstown/Greenisland (2013-1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3784
The Shore Road, looking towards Carrickfergus, from the end of this lane... (more)
J3784 : Lane, Jordanstown/Greenisland (2013-1) by Albert Bridge Lane, Jordanstown/Greenisland (2013-1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3784
The view along this lane J3784 : Lane, Jordanstown, Newtownabbey, between Belfast High School and Langley... (more)
J3784 : Former garden, Jordanstown (2013) by Albert Bridge Former garden, Jordanstown (2013) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3784
A site, now being cleared, at the Shore Road end of a lane J3783 : Lane, Jordanstown, Newtownabbey (2) from the... (more)
J3784 : Lane, Jordanstown (2013-1) by Albert Bridge Lane, Jordanstown (2013-1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3784
The Shore Road end of this lane J3783 : Lane, Jordanstown, Newtownabbey (2) where preliminary clearance work has started.
J3683 : University entrance, Jordanstown (2013-1) by Albert Bridge University entrance, Jordanstown (2013-1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3683
The entrance to the University of Ulster J3683 : University entrance, Jordanstown, Newtownabbey (1) on the Shore Road – nothing... (more)
J3683 : The Grange, Jordanstown (2013-1) by Albert Bridge The Grange, Jordanstown (2013-1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3683
Starting to clear the reserved line at entrance to The Grange J3683 : The Grange, Jordanstown, Newtownabbey on the... (more)
J3784 : Road markings, Jordanstown by Albert Bridge Road markings, Jordanstown by Albert Bridge
for square J3784
Road markings, for Belfast High J3784 : School entrance, Jordanstown, Newtownabbey, on the Carrickfergus side of the... (more)
J3784 : The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (17) by Albert Bridge The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (17) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3784
The south/south eastern side of the Shore Road, near Shorelands – the green hump... (more)
J3784 : The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (16) by Albert Bridge The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (16) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3784
The northern side of the Shore Road, approaching Shorelands – the green hump of... (more)
J3784 : The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (15) by Albert Bridge The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (15) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3784
The Shore Road, looking towards Carrickfergus, from opposite Castle Lug... (more)
J3784 : The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (14) by Albert Bridge The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (14) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3784
The Shore Road, looking towards Belfast, from opposite Castle Lug J3784 : Castle Lug, Jordanstown/Greenisland (2).... (more)
J3784 : Castle Lug, Jordanstown/Greenisland (2) by Albert Bridge Castle Lug, Jordanstown/Greenisland (2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3784
Castle Lug (J3784 : Castle Lug, Jordanstown/Greenisland – March 2011) with the existing single-carriageway Shore... (more)
J3784 : The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (13) by Albert Bridge The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (13) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3784
The Shore Road, looking towards Carrickfergus, from slightly on the Greenisland... (more)
J3784 : The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (12) by Albert Bridge The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (12) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3784
The Shore Road looking towards Belfast. Neill’s Lane J3784 : Neill's Lane, Jordanstown/Greenisland is beside the... (more)
J3783 : Lane, Jordanstown, Newtownabbey (2) by Albert Bridge Lane, Jordanstown, Newtownabbey (2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3783
A lane, immediately on the Belfast side of this house J3783 : Houses, Jordanstown/Greenisland (4), running from... (more)
J3783 : Houses, Jordanstown/Greenisland (4) by Albert Bridge Houses, Jordanstown/Greenisland (4) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3783
A large detached house, now vacant and boarded up, on the seaward side of the... (more)
J3784 : Houses, Jordanstown/Greenisland (3) by Albert Bridge Houses, Jordanstown/Greenisland (3) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3784
Two large detached houses, now vacant and boarded up, on the seaward side of the... (more)
J3784 : The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (6) by Albert Bridge The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (6) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3784
The Shore Road (looking towards Carrickfergus) immediately past the entrance to... (more)
J3784 : School entrance, Jordanstown, Newtownabbey by Albert Bridge School entrance, Jordanstown, Newtownabbey by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3784
The entrance to Belfast High School (during the mid-term break) looking towards... (more)
J3784 : The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (5) by Albert Bridge The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (5) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3784
The present twisting and single carriageway Shore Road (looking towards... (more)
J3683 : Reserved line, Jordanstown/Greenisland (3) by Albert Bridge Reserved line, Jordanstown/Greenisland (3) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3683
The reserved line for the new road at Langley Hall J3683 : Langley Hall, Jordanstown (foreground).
J3683 : Langley Hall, Jordanstown by Albert Bridge Langley Hall, Jordanstown by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3683
The “T” junction at the Shore Road end of the Langley Hall development. The... (more)
J3683 : The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (4) by Albert Bridge The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (4) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3683
The Shore Road close to J3683 : Reserved line, Jordanstown/Greenisland (2). When the road is rebuilt the grass... (more)
J3683 : Reserved line, Jordanstown/Greenisland (2) by Albert Bridge Reserved line, Jordanstown/Greenisland (2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3683
The grass is part of the line reserved for the new dual carriageway. The... (more)
J3683 : The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (3) by Albert Bridge The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (3) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3683
The Shore Road immediately on the Carrickfergus side of the entrance to the... (more)
J3683 : University entrance, Jordanstown, Newtownabbey (2) by Albert Bridge University entrance, Jordanstown, Newtownabbey (2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3683
The entrance, from the Shore Road, to the University of Ulster J3684 : University of Ulster at Jordanstown... (more)
J3683 : The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (2) by Albert Bridge The Shore Road, Jordanstown/Greenisland (2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3683
The Shore Road immediately on the Belfast side of the entrance to the university... (more)
J3683 : University entrance, Jordanstown, Newtownabbey (1) by Albert Bridge University entrance, Jordanstown, Newtownabbey (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3683
The entrance, from the Shore Road, to the University of Ulster J3684 : University of Ulster at Jordanstown... (more)
J3683 : The Grange, Jordanstown, Newtownabbey by Albert Bridge The Grange, Jordanstown, Newtownabbey by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3683
Houses on the north western side of the Shore Road (foreground). The grass and... (more)
J3784 : New wall and vacant house, Jordanstown by Albert Bridge New wall and vacant house, Jordanstown by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3784
A new boundary wall under construction, on the eastern side of the Shore Road,... (more)
J3783 : Vested houses, Jordanstown (2013) by Albert Bridge Vested houses, Jordanstown (2013) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3783
Two houses, now vacant and boarded up, between the Shore Road and the... (more)
J3584 : Jordanstown station and level crossing (1) by Albert Bridge Jordanstown station and level crossing (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3584
Category: Railway station
See J3584 : Jordanstown station, Northern Ireland Railways. Before conversion to an automatic barrier crossing, Jordanstown... (more)
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